Chapter 1100: Vs the Ape's King

Gracier knew how strong this monster can be, she still remembered how strong her brother was. She wanted to see how far she can carry herself against an impossible enemy.

And with Gracier together with her, she could not afford to lose miserably, might as well put all her skills, no their skills to the test, right?

The two selected a different direction, right and left. They locked the Brutal Ape King in an encirclement.

Saeko revealed her sword while deciding to go all out. 

Flame wings appeared behind Gracier's back as floated upwards into the sky. Her hair flared majestically after entering her battle state. Her pure expression also turned serious. She sent a secret signal to Saeko telling her that she would test the water.

Just as Gracier was about to launch an attack, the Brutal Ape King reacted.

The monster stomped the ground and flew straight up like a rocket at Gracier.