After her second example, Kuina went into a trance a state and with eyes filled with a longing she mumbled.
''Show me those open and loving eyes, for they are the door to my soul. Touch me with those gentle hands and I am made anew, not as clay, but as if my body were reborn in its most perfect form. And so, in this love there is a deep gratitude, a sense that what is given is sacred and transient, passing in time into the eternal cycles of living.''
Alice's eyes widened, she was sure Kuina was talking about her master, she may have a zero experience in the matter of love but she could feel how deeply this fox lady loved her master. She was not like this at the beginning but the more times spent with Alex the more her love for him grow, she changed into someone better, less competitive, and more open.
'Love might be a good thing.' Alice thought.
''You love my master.''
''You can tell?''