Chapter 1122: Against the Monster



Someone yelled in pain. It sounded like someone fell victim to a demonic attack.

The shriek riled up the entire place. Chilled by the insidious power, their hairs stood on their ends, including Maximus.

Gnashing his teeth, he quickly dashed over to the scene of the crime only to see.

There, was a monster with scales all over it, it had a long reptilian tail and that monster was feasting on the dead body of the soldier it had just killed. It was emitting creepy crunching sounds, and blood splattered everywhere.

It was eating him!

Upon this Maximus went pale but he steeled himself up and he rushed towards the monster!

The monster stopped as its eyes flashed red. He thought he got the jump on the monster when it disappeared in a wisp of black mist. It quickly flew in a certain direction.

"Running away?!"

Maximus followed the monster while emitting ice energy.