Chapter 1128: Kuina's Weird Condition

Kuina looked at Alice who was over the moon. A cold sweat flowed down the side of her head. She awkwardly smiled.

"Looks like you summoned two incredible vassals."

''Yeah! I'm grateful for this, if only others can also use this ancient magic, unfortunately not everyone is tailored for this.'' Alice lamented but got no reply which shocked her and it was then she lifted her head to see to her horror Kuina falling toward the ground face full of sweat.


''Princess!'' Alice cried as she appeared next to her and caught her falling body, the latter body was hot.

''What?'' Facing the unexpected situation, Alice was perplexed. It was then Kuina opened her mouth and vomited.

The white-haired beauty was beyond startled, not knowing how to handle this situation, she found herself helpless but she suddenly remembered Kuina talking about owning a mansion in this city, she even told her the location of this mansion.