Chapter 1130: She is no Ordinary

This could be said to be her first time meeting the ruler, the empress of the Foxia Empire, a kingdom that rose to the level of an empire in this generation, under the tight leadership and competent hand of the Iron Fox empress, becoming the third superpower on the Demi-humans continent, no normal woman could accomplish this. 

'This woman is truly extraordinary.' Alice assessed, doing her best to get rid of the chilling sensation she felt the moment that woman laid her eyes on her.

'I'm not ordinary either.' Alice declared inwardly while fighting the immense pressure coming from the empress, the latter was impressed, so much that she smiled.

''We finally met Alice from the wonderland.'' Kuina's mother declared while looking at Alice. 

The latter frowned upon hearing how Kuina's mother referred to her, she didn't like it so she said.

''Alice White or Alice Touch will do.''