Chapter 1160: The Snow and the Promise of that Year 2

Finally tired, Luna sat down in the snow. She looked at the snow falling from the sky and asked lightly, "Alexander, what will we become in ten years..? Are we still going to be as carefree as we are now? Will we still be together?''

Alex placed both of his hands behind his head and laid down beside Luna. The snow was very soft. He too looked at the snow falling from the sky while listening to her words.

''Are you still angry?" She turned her head and looked at Alex with a smile as her beautiful eyes flashed brilliantly.

"Don't be mad.'' Luna softly murmured and waited for Alex's answer, afraid that he was unhappy with her decision to not hand over one of her white earrings.

''I'm not mad." Alex let out a harrumph, but when he saw Luna looking at him, a smile appeared on his face.