Chapter 1173: Into the Sandman's Embrace

It was as if there was no night in this place. After ten hours, the sky was still as green as it was hours ago.

Near the makeshift coat rack, Alex picked up his dried-out clothes. He dressed while absent-minded. He was still reminiscing about their discussion an hour ago as well as the weird feeling he kept having, if he were to describe this feeling, it would he was feeling out of place, almost as if he was not in his rightful place.

However, no matter how hard Alex thought about it he was unable to find a solution so in the end he decided to continue going forward because he was sure that eventually, he would find his way out of this situation.

A few minutes later a dressed Silveria appeared. She was still sporting that expressionless look. Although she couldn't use her magic, Silveria's icy aura didn't diminish one bit. 

If it wasn't because Silveria's gaze mellowed out after the last discussion, Alex would think she was playing a trick on him.