Chapter 1186: Welcome to...

Silveria finally nodded.


She headed towards the blue pool. Before she entered the pool, she warned Alex without turning her head around.

"Be careful!''

She channeled her mana before jumping into the pool in a giant splash. She disappeared in front of Alex. 

Alex sighed in relief. He also grumbled.

"Phew, I finally got through to her, I thought for sure she was going to bulldoze her way into the violet pool."

"You should be happy, your little girlfriend wants to follow you around."

Nyx chimed in.

"You have me supporting you, and you've got your power back, right? Surely, you can find a solution, so why did you shoot her down so harshly?"

"She can get the rewards here for free, doesn't make sense to turn down free goods and then pay for them from my pocket."

Alex bitterly laughed.

"Again, we don't know what will happen in that pool. It won't make any sense to bring Silveria into a place of unknown dangers.''