Chapter 1245: Dragon's Might

The inn was spacious and brightly lit by lantern grasses found only in the underground. The flames burning in the fireplace piled up with stones eliminated the chilliness, bringing them a comfortable warmth. An old man, who seemed to be the boss of the inn, took a nap over the counter. Due to the years of being unexposed to the sun, his skin appeared sickly pale, like a funny-looking wooden barrel. But what was most eye-catching about him was his legs. The areas below his knees were completely severed and the balance of his upper body was supported by prosthetics made from black iron. Maria admired it for a moment before her eyes scanned the surrounding.

In the meantime gazing at the arrival of Maria's group, the old man widened his eyes and showed a bewildered expression. He opened his mouth and revealed an excited smile.

"Oh, welcome everyone. I haven't met any human customers in a long time. May I have your orders please?"