Chapter 1286: Movement in the Shadows

The country of Cedoria is a vast country with a population of 1 million people.

Bordered by large mountains to the North, a huge ocean to the South, large hills to the East, and highlands to the West, the country of Cedoria mainly lives off baking, trade, and alchemy.

Cedoria itself is mainly covered in uninhabitable mountains and has a rainy climate, which has led to a dispersed population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in small villages.

The country's landscape is friendly; mellow rivers, small, hidden ponds, and astonishing aquatic wildlife are just a sliver of the hidden treasures Cedoria has to offer, which is why the country is a cherished destination among foreigners.

The people of Cedoria are rude towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with apathy. They feel foreigners could thwart the country's well-being.