Chapter 1300: Ran Away

A/N: Another milestone reached thanks to you all, keep up with the support and the adventure has just begun.



Gregory was blown off his feet and flew backward at a startling speed. At the same time, he smashed into Ethan behind him and even tumbled a few times in the air as he flew a few hundred meters away.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The six throwing knives that were as fast as lightning and as heavy as mountains smashed Lloyd, whose face was full of shock, away. 

Alex landed beside the willow tree trunk and his six throwing knives crazily smashed the trunk. The trunk already lost most of its vitality and was extremely weak, so it quickly blew up. A green thing with hints of gold flew up and was immediately wrapped around by his spiritual force as his spiritual force retrieved it.