Maria's Story 1: Their First meeting after years

Another day gone. She had to play the perfect girl so much she had become sick of it. She would have loved to be like Miss Nobody.

She slammed her books into her locker and pushed the metal door shut, glad that it was finally the weekend. She no longer had to deal with all of these people, her peers. At least not until Monday, anyway. Only when she was with those two she could relax.

'High School. The best years of our lives. I beg to differ. Well, today I don't care, I'll be a little bitchy.'

The hall was still very crowded and she tried to make her way through the endless sea of bodies but was relatively unsuccessful. The most she managed to do was piss off a few jocks, get a few glares, and have someone cut her off, making her a little mad. She had a better place to be than in this crowd. This crowd was full of judgmental hypocrites.