Chapter 1429: Dragon's Breath

On the raging battlefield, Saeko and Gracier were locked in a fierce battle against their remaining enemies.

Saeko, with her fluid movements, swiftly maneuvered behind the lion-headed monster. Her sword, ignited in flames, pierced towards the devil's lion-like head. The monster turned around just in time, deflecting the blade with its dagger. Saeko's smile remained unwavering as she swiftly traced a circle with her sword, drawing the dagger towards it like a magnet, altering its course. In an instant, her sword transformed into a bolt of lightning, striking the monster with precision.

But despite her graceful attack, a powerful gust of wind erupted from the blade, pulling everything in its path. The lion-headed monster struggled to resist the force, losing its balance. As the mysterious wind vanished, Saeko increased her speed and aimed to pierce the monster's throat with her scarlet blade. However...
