Chapter 1444: Maybe it wouldn't be so bad

Maria tossed and turned throughout the night, her mind consumed by the news of Kuina's pregnancy. The opulence of Alex's mansion within the sprawling Foxia Empire felt suffocating as the weight of the revelation cast a dark shadow over her surroundings even after she acted strong during the confession. Sleep, a rare and treasured commodity, eluded her completely. Driven by an inexplicable force, she found herself standing on the expansive balcony, bathed in the ethereal glow of the starlit sky. The cool night air offered solace from the internal turmoil that plagued her.

Above her, the sky was adorned with a dusting of diamonds, each star a tiny guiding light in the vast expanse of the cosmos. Lost in a wordless conversation with the celestial realm, Maria was oblivious to the gentle whisper of silk against stone. It wasn't until a hushed but urgent voice called her name that she snapped out of her reverie.