Chapter 1459: Camp Reversal Badge

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the midst of chaos, a woman found solace in the arms of Alex, her trusted alchemist. She clung to him, covering her ears tightly as the world around them erupted in dazzling flashes and deep rumbles. Moments earlier, they had witnessed a mysterious Chaos creature attacking Alex, only to be struck down by a bolt of lightning. The creature exploded, its putrid green blood splattering in all directions. Thankfully, Alex was unharmed, continuing to navigate through the chaos with the woman in his arms.

From above, if she had the chance to look down, she would see that Alex's group had not charged into the heart of the Chaos army. Instead, they had split into smaller factions, encircling the army without being detected. Like shadows, they weaved in and out, avoiding the Chaos creatures and maneuvering around the chaos.

"It's about time," she thought to herself.