Chapter 1461: Plane Destruction Bomb

Clang...! Clang...!

Amidst the resounding clash of swords, a group of shadowy figures emerged from the misty haze, slowly advancing towards Alex's companions. As the fog dissipated, their true identities were revealed, leaving both Alex and the steadfast Margareth astounded

Before them stood a formidable team of skeletal sentinels. Although "skeletal guards" may not be the most accurate depiction, their appearance resembled that of skeletal guards, with nothing but bones and no trace of flesh. However, there was an uncanny resemblance to robots in their presence.

Their peculiar robotic bodies seamlessly merged with the skeletal framework, making it almost impossible for Alex to discern them if not for their protruding skulls and limbs.

Alex issued a series of commands to his team before shifting his attention towards Margareth.

"Margareth, it's time to begin. Have you gathered everything you need?" he inquired.