Chapter 1467: Depleted Mana and Spiritual Power

Observing the oncoming Chaos army, Bahamut's clone couldn't help but wear a smug grin. It was clear that victory was within reach. Breaking through the enemy's defenses was only a matter of time. In just a few moments, his forces would shatter the barrier, allowing Chaos to reign supreme over the Mainland Continent. The game against Alex was as good as won.

But his confidence was shattered in an instant.

Turning abruptly, Bahamut's clone's eyes pierced through the distant fog. Though there was nothing to see, he could sense a golden magical barrier flickering around the Dali Kingdom Capital. It was a sight that filled him with disbelief.

"What's happening? How did they slip past my Chaos army and enter the Capital? Why didn't I notice?" Questions flooded his mind, each more concerning than the last.

"What are they planning? Why are they in the Capital?"