Chapter 1486: Into the Abyss

A guttural roar erupted from Alex's throat, a sound that echoed through the dead forest and sent tremors through the barren earth. With a powerful beat of his obsidian wings, he launched himself towards the Abyss. The air shrieked in protest as he tore through it, his massive form a black blur against the desolate landscape.

The swirling vortex pulsed with a sickly fascination. It was a cosmic maw, hungry and eager to devour anything that dared approach. Yet, Alex, the black dragon, met its gaze head-on. His emerald eyes, the only color on his fearsome form, burned with a fierce determination, a spark of amusement even dancing in their depths.

"This ends here," he boomed, his voice a thunderous echo in the oppressive silence.