Accepting Chinu

Aditya who is standing near can't help but laugh loudly on this sentence, Arnav and Sia look towards him, Arnav glared and Aditya decided to leave the room, but that time Chinu and Umesh come inside, Chinu is quite happy, he got new clothes and even get the chocolate to eat, seeing Sia he is very happy he runs towards her, and offer her one chocolate, Sia takes the chocolate break it in two parts and stuff one part in her mouth and other in Arnav's mouth, who is squatting down, Chinu look towards the uncle who sits down, and also notice the injury Sia have, he feel quite sad if this aunt doesn't come to save him, she doesn't get injured, he asks her it is hurting on which Sia said yup and if this uncle kiss her then it will not hurt her, chinu look towards Sia and said, "no aunty you need to apply for medicine on this so you will get better, once I get injured and then daddy take me to Doctor he kisses me on the road, but still pain doesn't go away but when I take medicine it is gone"

This time even Arnav and Umesh can't stop their laugh, Sia knows Chinu is intelligent but..... anyway she knows that she is not gonna get any kiss, but while she is thinking Arnav give her peck on the forehead and said let's go to the home and take rest, but Sia tells him that she will go with Umesh, and then she looks towards Aditya and said, "will you please don't mention anything about chinu, I will take care of him" before Aditya can say anything, Arnav tells her that he will handle here, and she goes home first for rest and he will send Doctor at home, even though the wound is not big, and he already take care, but he is still restless after that Sia left with Umesh and Chinu.

After Sia left, Arnav asks Aditya about what exactly happens, even though he heard Parshu uncle telling everything, he still wanted to know, after that Aditya tell him everything, they previously planned that when the Chotu Bhai will meet the drug dealer they will catch them red-handed, but now they already catch him, but they also know that there are chances of meeting them is very small, and today they catch the chotu Bhai with enough evidence, Aditya also sees some children's condition and realize that if they come too late some children might lose their life, he is really angry with them, after that he heard Aranv asking him if that Bhai touches his wife on which he said no, and tell him how Sia kicked him, he is getting very surprised seeing this view, Sia is a bit thin, and look very pale, but her move is too awesome.

"hmmm, but I want you to teach that Bhai a lesson to lust over my wife otherwise I will come and beat him," Arnav said,

"no, I will handle him and send you photos" Aditya knows Arnav's temper, if he wanted to come then he will beat him till the death, after that he asks about Sia on which Aranv tells him in few words, listening about Sia's miscarriage and also about Tony's involvement Aditya gets really angry, he is orphan just like chinu, his mom dad died in an accident, they work for Ranveer, that time Aditya is 10 years old after that Ranveer uncle take care of him, but before that, he sees the reality of life, his so called loving relative are not so loving, though he understands this, his mom has some fights with his aunts so there will obviously this outcome, fortunately, Ranveer uncle is there, he protects him and also teach him, he and Anav studied in same schools, and sometimes spend some time together.

 Aditya is one year younger than Arnav, when he is 20 year old, his gf Aarohi have some thoughts about Aranv, and on this topic, he broke his relationship with Arnav and Arohi, he also feels jealous on that, but what should he do, he knows Arnav is not guilty, but he still decided to not to talk, he truly loves Aarohi and believes that without Arnav doing anything how can Aarohi get attracted to Arnav, he is also handsome, and due to Arnav's poor communication skill that time their misunderstanding increase, he later got to know that it is Aarohi, who love Arnav from a long time, and already propose him, but get rejected so she accepts his proposal only go near to Arnav, but unfortunately, again Arnav rejected her. Aarhoi is just 18 years old that time, so she does childish things, but compare to her he is mature and spends lots of time with Arnav still he doesn't trust Arnav, later in one year uncle is no more in the world, that time he hurriedly comes back to Arnav's side.

First Arnav don't even talk with him, but later things change, then they got to know that uncle's death is not an accident but murder, that time Arnav is busy in his business so he decided to take responsibility and find the culprit, after that they work, they also have the uncle's some trusted people and with Arnav's finical support they are finding and doing lots of things, it can be said, that they restore their previous friendship, still Arnav don't tell him his private things, but today he opens up with him, so it can be said that they are again friends, he decided to help him avenge his child.

  After talking and discussing for some time, Arnav left Aditya's office.

Here Sia go home with Umesh, fortunately, her dad knows nothing, but she needed to tell about Chinu and her injuries, she can manage Arnav, but what about bodyguards and Umesh, Umesh guesses her thought and tells her that when he goes to shopping with chinu he already tell everything to Udhav, just he doesn't know about the injury so he doesn't tell him and now when he comes to the evening, she needed to tell him everything, on her phone call she doesn't mention anything, but uncle still tell her dad, she is already preparing for Chinu's arrival, and now uncle already tell dad everything, so she just tell the truth, after all her dad love her, so after she shed some tear he will accept chinu.