
The next day, Sia woke up early and after breakfast quickly make some dosa for Nandini, she already calls her yesterday and also made preparation for today, Udhav is quite unhappy, but seeing Sia in the happy mood he decided to send her today, but he tells her that he will drop her, Sia doesn't tell him that she is also gonna meet Abhi.

    Udhav particularly is not very fond of Abhi, instead, he somewhat despises him, the reason may be his reputation. Chinu also gets ready, then Sia takes him with her, and they head off to meet Nandini.

   After reaching there, Udhav tells her to take the car from Nadini or call him and he will come to pick her up, she knows he is scared of the previous incident, but she said she will take car form Nadini, on which he said okay, after that she goes Nadhini's house, and after seeing her getting inside Udhav go towards his office.