Chapter 16.1

After leaving Jeff's home for work, Tina was in a pretty jolly mood. Even though they still went to bed slightly late, she felt extremely relaxed.

As she daydreamed, her phone buzzed. It was a call from Mrs. Strider.

"Hi Tina. Are you busy?" Her voice was heard clearly.

"Not at all. I'm not busy now," she replied happily.

Mrs. Strider sighed. "Tina, granny and I got a good scolding from Jeff this morning. Thinking back to last night, we were impulsive and cornered you."

She sighed pitifully again. "Aside from me, everyone at home is male. The only comfort I get is whenever granny comes over or Giselle drops by. I apologize for causing you discomfort yesterday. Granny is sorry to you also."

Tina was touched. Although their actions did make her feel out of sorts, she didn't hold any grudge against them.

"It's okay. I wasn't angry. I guess Jeff was just looking out for me," she replied gently.

"He even threatened us saying he wouldn't bring you home anymore," Sia's took over to lament.

"He was so fierce with us this morning, I just couldn't believe it, I feel so sad."

She laughed at how the two women complained about their son and grandson. What was she to do? Scold Jeff for looking out for her?

"Granny Sia, you don't have to mind him. I will come over frequently to see your faces," she reassured them.

After reminding her several times to take care and keep in touch, the call finally ended. Thinking about how the two women whined, she picked up her phone once again to call Jeff.

It didn't ring for long before the call was received.

"Babe. Miss me?" his playful voice filled her ears and her heart.

"I just spoke with your mom and granny. They reported your fierceness to me," she teased him.

"I had to get justice from my girlfriend, so that it doesn't become a regular affair."

"I heard that you threatened them, saying you wouldn't bring me home again?" she asked.

"What!" he raised his voice causing Tina to draw away from her phone.

"Just when did I threaten them or say that? All I said was that you wouldn't want to come over anymore if they did that again, and I wouldn't be able to convince you otherwise," he explained carefully.

She smiled before replying, "I believe you. I already told them that I will come over often, so they don't trouble and resent you."

"Thanks babe."

They didn't speak for long afterwards since they both had to get back to work. They only confirmed the vising time once more before hanging up.

The rest of the week was just like that. Keeping in touch with Jeff morning, afternoon, night, and right before going to bed. Friday evening, however, she broke the news to her parents. She informed them before leaving for work that morning that she had something important to tell them later.

Unfortunately, or not, by the time she returned from work, one more person was also waiting to receive her announcement; Martha.

Noticing his daughter's questioning look, Mr. Lawrence explained, "Granny said she missed me, so she wanted to spend the weekend here."

Tina rolled back her eyes to the third heavens in her mind. Missed him? That was just unreasonable. She probably had nothing to complain about in her new home, so she just had to come over to make trouble for everyone. Even Mrs. Lawrence's face wasn't welcoming, but she couldn't chase out her mother-in-law after all.

Ignoring the mother-son duo, Mrs. Lawrence held Tina's hands and led her to sit down before asking what the important thing was. Martha, like always, acted like she wasn't interested while still sticking around to hear what was being said.

"I have a boyfriend. I am currently seeing someone," she said softly.

Her mother was very happy but worry soon took over. Since it was her daughter's first relationship, how could she not worry?

"When did you start dating? What does he do? Where did you meet?" Mrs. Lawrence asked hurriedly.

"We are working on a project together currently. We haven't met for long, but we like each other, and we decided to give it a try. I've met his family, so he's coming over tomorrow to meet you guys. He's met Lina already," she said calmly.

Before her mother could reply, Martha's scoff could be heard.

"It took you long enough. It's not like he's proposing marriage, so what is he coming over for? And you already met with his family. I didn't know you were that shameless. So, all that gentle persona was fake."

"Mom!" Mr. Lawrence shouted.

"What do you mean by that? If anything, she's your granddaughter. You should be happy and worried for her. Why should you call her shameless?"

Mrs. Lawrence said nothing to their theatrics and pulled Tina away to her room. It was as if she had become immune to Martha's words.

"Just ignore them. Tell mom, is he a gentleman?" Mrs. Lawrence asked, not hiding her curiosity. They could hear the voices of the mother-son duo from the room.

She brought her phone out and showed her mother Jeff's picture. She had taken the picture sneakily once when they were getting a bite together. They still didn't have an official couple picture yet.

"He's pleasing to the eye. What about his family? Did they give you trouble?"

"No, mom. They treated me really well. His family was very welcoming."

Hearing her daughter say so, Mrs. Lawrence puffed in relief.

Mr. Lawrence didn't bother to seek them out knowing very well that his family was very disappointed in him. He didn't know what else to do with his mother, but he had to do something quick before his family fell apart.

These days, he'd been feeling like the only thing keeping his marriage together was his children. Once they leave the nest, he feared that his wife would leave too. He absolutely could and would not let that happen.