
Ch 1: Samples of Men

Ahh Love, what an illusive phenomenon that we all loves to ruled by. Love is the source of every pain and love is the remedy.

Until we gain something that we are looking for, it's going to continue but for what purpose? Love should only earns love but why discounting it with different styles of reasoning then dividing it with confusions and sarcasm.

Costly, yes indeed, very costly than diamonds, pearls and gold.

All we love is to conquer our part of interest with theoretical psychology and personal perspectives.

Probably, it ease our disturbing thoughts and unconscious beliefs that we normally confiscated with emotional malfeas that we learned to claim as feelings of warmth of love.

Sounding like a war zone, more precisely a battle field of two genders or same genders.

It's a modern world with ancient historical traditional methods of making enemies weaker than they are.

People use those tactics normally in the field where everyone is participating to win their life. To hit the weakness over and over, to make them weaker than they are. To make their peaceful life in chaotic retribution.

Others might think it's a short cut to be a winner but does it last after winning the reward as a symbolic achievements.

Just a thought, do we deserve to die for a love that sweat us more than we drink.

Ocean looks smaller than we all sweating on tearful echos of love that killing us like a street dogs in winter.

Cliche, cliche, aren't we limiting ourselves with our wide range of misunderstood reality with a hint of passionate pain in love.

Love can be generously crafted from every aspects of life that we human understand as a survival guide to wisdom.

Even wisdom, sometimes looks very elegantly kept in the national museum as a symbol or a sample of wisdom that's once upon a time, it occurred, so we should not be forgotten of it's existence.

Yeah, it's out there, somewhere, waiting to be established, so we should study and research more to find it out, somewhere in our brains, needing to be poke it down like an undiscovered precious stone then the magic begins.