The Wolf Cub

Zee continent is a vast continent that is multiple times the size of the earth; nevertheless, it is still considered a small island in this boundless and miraculous world.

In this world wondrous and breathtaking sights are abundant with its magical and rich nature.

Gigantic mountains that tower thousands of meters, forests that span hundreds of thousands of meters, and lakes that are akin to seas are a common sight here.

In a distant corner of the vast and gigantic Zee continent lies a small forest. Compared to the rest of the continent this forest is like a spec of dust. It could only be considered a wasteland that is extremely poor compared to other places in this continent.

Nevertheless, it would still be considered a gigantic forest that could span an entire continent if it was back on earth.

Here gigantic trees that tower dozens of meters are everywhere and mountains that are hundreds of meters could be seen in the distant horizons.

Lakes and streams that are spread along the entire forest makes it feel as if the whole forest is alive.

In the middle of the night, deep inside of the forest lies a small cave hidden beneath a big rock. This cave is at the foot of a small rocky hill.

This place is considered to be in an obsolete and poor region of the forest, no creature of any significant strength would live here.

This hill has nothing exceptional at all. It only has a few patches of dry grass growing among the rocks.

Inside of the cave, a faint scent of blood could still be smelt. The result of the birth of a newborn wolf pup.

A wolf could be seen inside of the cave. This wolf is about 40 centimetres at shoulder height and about 80 centimetres in length.

A weary look could still be seen on its face. This wolf looked extremely malnourished as if it hadn't eaten in months.

This wolf is currently looking at its newborn pup with a conflicted look that has a mix of pity and helplessness.

It's apparently the pup's mother.

This tiny pup looks extremely ill and weak, as though it was about to die at any second.

The mother wolf belongs to the weakest species of wolves- the mottled wolves. The mottled wloves are considered one of the weakest species, that even other types of wolves don't consider them as real wolves.

They are disdained and rejected by almost all types of wolves, because they have the weakest and most diluted bloodline amongest all of the wolves.

With how pathetic their strength is they can only feed on mice and other small animals as their biggest prey.

Even a rabbit can fight some of them off if they tried to hunt it.

In this world the stronger the bloodline the stronger the creature will be.

If a mottled wolf were to encounter a wolf of a higher bloodline than itself, it will immediately freeze up without the power to fight back.

This small pup is extremely pitiful as its bloodline seemed to have degenerated during its infancy.

This is a an extremely rare case, which is most likely caused by malnourishment during the pregnancy.

With its degenerated bloodline on top of its already weak bloodline it's almost impossible for this newborn little pup to survive.

It has sparce dirty mottled fur that is missing in some places, its colour a mix of brown and ash colored grey.

It looked quite ugly with it's bald patches and sparce dirty fur.

It seems to be shivering due to its weak physique. Probably sick or ill.

It appeared to be extremely hungry and malnourished. Looking at its mother it probably does not get enough milk.

Her milk has ran dry for about three days right now, since she did not get to eat enough food.

At this rate the pup probably won't survive for another day.

Its mother looked at it for a while and finally decided to go out and find some food.

It hadn't eaten for days. At first there was still the pup's sickly father still bringing her some food. Unfortunately, about 1 month ago he was severely wounded in addition to him already being weak and sick.

Not long after that, he died. Since then the mother could only barely survive by eating insects that crawl into the cave.

Now that she has somewhat recovered, she will try to get some food so that she can feed some milk to her newborn.

Even though her pup's bloodline is inferior to even the worst mottled wolf, as his mother she will still try her best to keep him alive. This is her instinct as a mother.

It's night time right now, the moon hangs high up in the sky, bright and clear. Outside of the cave towering trees could be seen along with the sound of wild animals and insects.

The night at the forest is extremely dangerous, but if she doesn't find some food soon she won't be able to feed the starving wolf pup.

She treads carefully to one of the surrounding lakes, or rather a small pond, to be exact.

While carefully making her way to the small pond, she senses a small movement in the grass.

She spots a small frog in the grass. This frog is only about five centimetres in length, but to her, who has been starving for weeks, it's a an extremely extravagant feast.

It seems that the frog has not not noticed the wolf yet, even though it's less than five meters away from it.

Looking at this unsuspecting prey, the mother wolf couldn't help but start to salivate uncontrollably.

Immediately, she pounced on it and bit it with all of its power.


Biting on it for a couple of seconds to make sure it's dead, the mother wolf immediately swallows it down to her stomach.

Because she hadn't eaten in so long, she was extremely satisfied with this "big" meal. Turning around, she decides to look for more food so that she can satisfy her hunger.

However, something unexpected happens.

She immediately freezes up and does not dare to make any kind of movement, in fear that she might alert the existence about 30 meters away from her.

Another mottled wolf, that seems to also be hunting for food, is in the surrounding area.

This wolf is quite a bit bigger than the mother wolf. In addition to it being full and at its best condition, there is an overwhelming kind of power that takes shape and exerts an intangible pressure upon the mother wolf.

This pressure is suppressing the mother and causing her to feel as if she is unable to breath akin to her drowning in water.

An unprecedent fear flowed through her entire body, as if an electric shock, to the point that she stops breathing in fear that she will be found.

Evidently, this mottled wolf has a higher level of bloodline than the mother wolf.

This kind of suppression cannot be negated, causing creatures with a higher bloodline to have an absolute, almost full, advantage over creatures with lower bloodlines.

After a while, the wolf slowly left the area and the mother finally relaxed her tense nerves.

After this encounter, the mother wolf decided that it's too dangerous to continue on and turned around back to the cave to.

Back in the cave, the tiny wolf pup is starving and almost has no strength. It hadn't drank milk for almost three days, since it was first born.

It started to squirm and crawl in agony, It seems that it can no longer hold on. It probably won't survive until its mother comes back.

During its last seconds, in the cave, a small bead suddenly appeared out of nowhere. As if it had came out of empty space.