
The next day, the sounds of birds singing and the cool morning breeze could be felt from outside the cave.

Aoow woke up early. His mother only woke up a couple of minutes after him.

Looking outside the cave, she checks on Aoow first then heads outside to search for some prey.

Aoow is still helpless, he has yet to even open his eyes. Mottled wolves usually open their eyes when they are 1 week old.

Aoow is still only 4 days old. All he can do is to barely crawl around the cave.

Fortuneatly, this time his mother was extremely lucky and managed to catch a small mouse not long after she went out of the cave.

She probably took less than three hours. Which is considered extremely fast, considering her usual hunting rate.

Sometimes she won't be able to catch food for days.

After she returned back to the cave, Aoow immediately started sucking milk excitedly.

As usual, the mysterious words appeared once again.

[ Source of energy consumed. Bloodline reparation is in process ]

[ Bloodline reparation progress: 3.3%, 3.7%, 4.2%....]

As he felt the strange power coursing through his body again, strengthening him, and mending his bloodline's deficiencies, Aoow felt extremely satisfied and full of energy.

[ Bloodline reparation progress: 6.5%]

Drinking to his fill, Aoow felt extremely satisfied.

After filling his stomach, the tiny pup fell asleep once again.

Dusk arrived.

Outside the cave, clouds seemed to be gathering in the distant sky over the mountains.

Two more days passed by quickly.

The mother only managed to hunt down a small lizard and a frog during these past 2 days.

On the seventh day, Aoow woke up in the early morning. His mother is still sleeping soundly next to him.

Slowly, Aoow started to open his eyes little by little.

Everything looked blurry and vague at first, but things became clearer and clearer as he fully opened his eyes.

Full of curiosity, the tiny pup started to fervently observe his surroundings.

The dark wall caves, the small rocks laying on the ground, and the gigantic figure laying next to him.

[ Name: ???]

[ Race: Mottled Wolf ]

[ Status: Malnourished (sleeping) ]

[ Bloodline Status: Extremely Impure ]

[ Age: 4 Years ]

[ This mottled wolf carries the poorest and thinnest kind of bloodline amongst the whole mottled wolf species. In addition to its lack of sufficient food, it can barely survive with its weak strength ]

Seeing his mother for the first time, Aoow sensed a kind of heavy aura around her body.

A slight bloody red ethereal aura seemed to be flowing on the surface of her body.

This red glow is extremely thin to the point of nearly being inexistant.

Nevertheless, for Aoow, this very thin and almost non-existent light contains a very intimidating might that pressed on him from above.

This blood red light is called blood energy.

Blood energy is the manifestation of the physique, vitality, and strength of a being.

The stronger the physique is the stronger its blood energy would be.

And the stronger the blood energy is the stronger the physique would be.

Both are two faces of the same coin.

A creature with a higher level bloodline would naturally have a stronger physique due to its superior bloodline nurturing its body, causing it to have a stronger vitality and making it stronger.

As a result of that, creatures with stronger bloodlines naturally have stronger and more abundant blood energy.

This gives them a huge advantage over lower levelled bloodlines.

Due to Aoows degenerated bloodline and his extremely weak strength, even his mother's almost non-existent blood energy managed to awe him.

Looking at his mother, Aoow felt a sense of security and dependence towards her.

Cuddling with his mother for a while, Aoow's attention soon turned to the cave entrance.

He couldn't hold back his curiosity and started crawling towards the bright cave entrance.

Coming out of the small cave, Aoow had to squint his eyes due to the bright sunlight outside the cave.

Slowly opening his eyes, extreme awe and astonishment engulfed him.

The green grass, towering trees, and magnificent sky overwhelmed him immediately.

Amazed, Aoow stared at this wonderous sight.

The morning dew could still be vividly seen on the green grass and colorfull flower petals.

White clouds are slowly drifting in the magnificent sky, forming all kinds of shapes and textures.

The refreshing and cool morning breeze carried with it the scent of the forest, giving energy and invigorating all beings.

Lost in this wonderous sight, Aoow only woke up once he heard a chirp near him.

On the ground not far away, a small colorfull bird could be seen hopping on the grass.

Full of curiosity towards this strange creature, Aoow started crawling towards it.

" chirp" " chirp"

Before he could get any closer, the bird noticed him and flew to a nest on a nearby tree.

This tree is gigantic, with a height of at least ten meters and a stump of more than one meter in diameter.

Nevertheless, it is only considered as the average size of trees in this forest.

Crawling next to this tree, Aoow tried to climb it.

Unfortunately, neverminding that he could only crawl right now, even if he could run he still won't be able to climb this tree

After trying for a couple of times, Aoow finally gave up.

Feeling exhausted due to his strenuous effort when trying to climb the tree, Aoow tiredly laid down on the ground to rest.

Back in the cave the mother wolf finally woke up.

Looking around the cave for a while, she finally notices that her son seemed to be missing.

Searching frantically all over the cave, the mother wolf realized that Aoow was nowhere to be found.

Immediately, she anxiously runs outside the cave to search for him, only to find him laying down under a tree near the cave.

Seeing his mother come out of the cave, Aoow excitedly crawling towards her.

" Mommyyyy!"

He called out towards her with a childish sound, still to childish to be called a growl.

His mother finally relaxed after she found that he is still safe and sound.

Once he reached her, she started to cuddle and lick him on his head.

Feeling happy, Aoow let out a couple of childish growls.

A shadow suddenly covered the whole forest.

Looking up, gigantic dark clouds seemed to be engulfing the whole forest.

" Crrraaaaaaaccckkkk!!!!"

The sound of thunder deafeningly resounded in the sky.

A storm is coming.