Chapter One

Aiko Sohi Pov

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, the birds chirping was like music to my ears and I breathe in to inhale the sweet scent of the day. The sunlight greeting me. Just kidding the sunlight was legit piercing right through my eyes and it hurts, there were no birds but the obnoxious barking of dogs and meowing of cats. I groaned, covering myself with the duvet, hoping to get myself to sleep again, but nooo, my eyes just decided to hate me and decided to stay open.

Grunting, i pushed the covers off me and head downstairs without bothering to brush my hair.

"This sucks." I grumbled and grabbed a box of cereal and a carton of milk, serving myself. I live alone, in a house that was too big for one person. My parents live like about half a day away from where I am now. They decided to let me study in Konoha High which by far is the best school in the country, they said good education is best for me. At first, of course, i didn't want to. I mean living alone is hard enough, but it's not like I have any other choice. They just want what's best for me, i guess I'll just have to appreciate that.

A series of knocks interrupted my thoughts and snapped me back to reality.

I took one last spoon of my cereal before I stood up and made my way to the door, like a zombie grumbling out of colorful words. Yet, before I opened the door,it opened by itself, hitting my head in the process, sending me back hard.

"OW! oh my god! What the heck?!" I yelled my lungs out holding my nose.

"Oh my god Aiko! I didn't know you were there!" A certain blonde with cerulean eyes neared me and crouched down to my level frantically, dropping his shopping bag.

"Obviously, well now you do!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes. Naruto carried me and placed me down on the sofa, holding a box of tissues for my bleeding nose. I felt tears brim my eyes but I quickly wiped it away, it can't be helped it hurts!.

"What brings you here Naruto?" I asked,clipping my nose with my finger, while rolling a tissue to plug in my nose in attempt to stop the bleeding.

Naruto chuckled and scratch the back of his head,"Well I thought we could spend the day together for old time sake." My face softened at his gesture. "Well, why not? Let me get ready then we'll head out." I said standing up to do my daily routine.

"Also, I bought you ice cream." He grinned, taking the shopping bag he dropped earlier before walking to the kitchen. I thanked him and jogged upstairs.

After talking a bath, brushing my teeth, slipping into some comfortable clothes. I went down to find Naruto watching TV. When I was in his sight, he turned of the telly and grinned. "Let's go?" And he nodded.

The moment we got out, we faced a black beast growling at us like we just took it's last prey. An angry Uchiha whose hair looked messier than it usually should, bags underneath his eyes were slightly visible and he was literally growling.

"You two are the worst neighbors ever! My sleep had to be cut short because of you!" He spat and the ball of sunshine beside me chuckled nervously, placing a hand over Sasuke shoulder. But he was hesitant to do so, because Sasuke looked like he was about to rip Naruto's hand with his own teeth.

"Why are you out anyways?" I asked tilting my head.

He faced me. "I heard you scream so I came here to check on you." He huffed, crossing his arms after brushing the Uzumaki's hand off his shoulder.

"Eh? That was like ten minutes ago, why come now?"

"Be grateful I even bothered to come here." Sasuke shot back at me and I rolled my eyes. "I know, it's also because you love me though." I grinned like a Cheshire  cat, which resulted the certain raven, duckbutt haired to scowl at me. "Your ego is getting the best of you, Aiko".

Raising both hands in the air, I said, "I'm just saying what's true". Giving him a smug look. This time, it was his turn to roll his eyes, "If anything, I hate you".

"Pft, stop being in denial Sasuke" I waved him off with my hand and hung my arm around Naruto's shoulder. Fortunately, I was tall enough to do so, and I'm grateful for that. "Ah, teme, we were just going out, care to tag along?".

I noticed Sasuke was already wearing some decent casual clothes, so before he could turn us down, I dragged him into the car and practically shoved him inside, with Naruto taking  shotgun.

"Should we watch a movie..?"

"Hmm, how about the carnival?"

"That sounds fun too!"

"Carnival it is then"

"Don't I have to say in this?" The grumpy raven interjected and Naruto and I laughed at him. Ignoring him all the way, the Uchiha huffed, looking out the window. I smiled to myself and thought of how lucky I am to have friends like them, though I do know I annoy Sasuke a lot yet he doesn't despise me or anything. Yes, he tells me he hates me whenever I say that he loves me, but I do know that he doesn't really mean it.... Does he? Nahh.

The moment we arrived, it was packed with people. I groaned. "we'll have to buy VIP tickets." I grumbled taking out my wallet and walking to the counter to buy them. When I was finally my turn, I was about to give my money when someone else slammed a bill.

"Hey!" I exclaimed looking up to see duckass. "What are you doing, move your hand duckbutt."

He just rolled his eyes and told the person in charge to take his bill, who obliged and gave us three VIP tickets. I gaped at Sasuke "Seriously?"

The Uchiha handed me one and also one to Naruto without uttering a single word. I huffed there he goes with his silence again. I wonder when the time will come for Sasuke to actually become normal. He's too strict, like his father Fugaku. Not that he's strict on me too, I'm actually glad he treats me like his own. Well he shows it in his own ways. He likes me.....i know he does.

"Naruto! Let's go on that one!" I happily said, pointing at a tower like structure. Naruto gulped as he saw people being dropped abruptly, screaming in horror. But he hid it and smiled, "Yeah, sure! " then I dragged him into. Sasuke followed shortly behind us.

"You know, I can feel Sasuke's thick, dark aura." I whispered to Naruto who laughed at my comment. Apparently, my so called whisper was too loud, loud enough to reach Sasuke's ears. He huffed and crossed his arms. Giggling, I poked Sasuke on his side. "Are you scared?" I asked him wiggling my eye brows.

"As if." was his short reply.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"NO! ITS TOO HIGH!! AIKO!HELP!!!" Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs, gripping on my hand tightly. We were appropriately 220 feet high and still going up. I laughed at Naruto and looked at Sasuke who was staring at the view in awe. He had a smile on his face which I rarely saw, and it made me smile as well.

"Stop staring Aiko, it's rude." Sasuke faced me with a smirk. I huffed, protecting my pride. "You wish I was."

"Admit it you-HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!! AAAHH" Sasuke screamed out loud and so did Naruto as soon as we suddenly dropped. I laughed and laughed as both of them grabbed each of my hands, squeezing them tightly. I felt like I just left my soul for a second there.

After several rides of letting out a few screams and a bunch of laughter, it was already getting dark. I held on the strip of photos we took on the photo booth and smiled. This is one of the best days I've ever had. Just me and my two best fri-

"Sasuke-Kun!" A very familiar screech was heard from the other side of the parking lot. I grimaced as I recognized clearly who that voice belonged to. I didn't turn back to face her, nor did I want to. Instead, I just smiled and bought a fangirl before giving one to Naruto.

"Eh?! Such a coincidence to see you here Sasuke-Kun!" Another voice joined in and I sat up almost immediately. "Are you alone?" Sakura's with Karin!!?

"No" Was Sasuke's short reply. I couldn't keep my smirk from growing wider, knowing that Sasuke doesn't really have internet with them. I felt bad for Sakura. If only she hadn't left us for Karin, she would've been here, sitting with us right now. Don't get me wrong, I used to like her, but knowing that she choose one-sided love rather than her friends are just...i don't even know how to say it.

I felt two pairs of eyes behind me, and it made me feel uneasy. "Eh?! Aiko!?" I heard Karin squealed, feeling her thick, negative aura in the atmosphere. I let out a few nervous chuckles, looking at her as I placed my hand over my neck, delicately rubbing it. "H-Heyy"

"Huh?! Why are you with this loser Sasuke-Kun?!"

Sasuke clicked his tongue, looking away from the red haired. "Because this loser you called happens to be my best friend." He answered taking a seat beside me, but not sparing me a glance. I huffed and decided to annoy him, "Pft, yeah right it's because you love me." I rolled my eyes as I shot at him, making me receive his 'Oh so famous' glare.

"Eh?! ARE YOU TWO DATING??!!" Karin was enraged, pointing at the two of us. I smirked, crossing my hand over my chest. I feel like Pinocchio's nose just got passed to me. Internally, I was laughing my ass out, externally, I was nodding my head proudly. Proud because it's not only Sasuke who's annoyed, pretty much the red haired fan girl too.

The Uchiha's growl vibrated it's way to my ears, and I knew right then that we was about to say,"No we are not!" He spat at Karin, before turning to face me, well I wasn't really facing him though. My smirk only got wider. "How much more annoying can you get?"

I lifted both my shoulders giving him a shrug, "Yeah, Yeah" Was my simple reply, waving him off for the umpteenth time. If we weren't best friends, who knows what could've happened to me right now. Like I'd do that anyway, I'd be like a complete obsessive freak who falsely claims one affection. Baka. But then, maybe I should think about this too. Maybe I am getting too annoying.

"You know what, I'm getting really sick of you." He softly spoke, before letting out a sigh, placing his chin on his palm, his elbow resting on the table, our shoulders practically brushing against each other. "You tick me off a lot." He continued, and I just listened, making me realize how the tables have turned. Earlier, it was me doing the talking and now it's him. How ironic.

As he continued, Karin kept on rambling on how dangerously close I was to Sasuke and how annoying I am. Of course, her sentences wouldn't end up without her lovely adjectives for me like ugly, bitch and so. Not that it bothered me anyway.

I breathe out heavily before the adored Sasuke continued. "Makes me wonder if you'll ever grow up."

Keeping myself calm and collected, I smirked weakly, "Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Isn't that supposed to be my line?" I said tilting my head as a glance of Naruto who was talking to Sakura. Still not making eye contact. Hmm, I wonder what they're talking about. I do remember Naruto having a crush on her, but I honestly want him to end up with a certain girl who is also my best friend,named Hyuga Hinata. At least I do know she loves him truly. Who knows, Sakura be confessing her fake love to Naruto just to get to Sasuke. Eh?, that would be another story.

He raised his eyebrow at me questioningly, both of us ignoring Karin further, obnoxious rants.

"When will you confess your undying love to me?" My lips tugged higher than before as the guy beside me scowled. "This is... You are so damn annoying!". He grits his teeth in frustration, tugging on his dark hair lightly.

"What makes you think I love you?" Sasuke looked at me, finally capturing my eyes. I looked at them, longingly, in boredom. Getting really annoyed of Karin's opened mouth.

I chuckled nonetheless, and kept his eyes locked into mine longer. "Well, I think that's for you to find out. Takes time my pet."

He again lifted his brows but his face turned cold and enraged when he heard me call him 'My Pet'. "Now one, why would I love a girl like you. Two, I won't figure it out cos that time will never come!" He poked his tongue out and I chuckled. He may look like an arrogant, cold, egoistic ass, but when you really get close to him, you'll see an Uchiha sticking his tongue out like a child he is. Makes me think how lucky I am to be this close to him. Girls would kill to be in my place, or even Naruto's  place.

"Oh it will come."

He huffed, smirking as if telling me to enlighten him, and I mocked him, "Tell me oh, great predictor Aiko."

I giggled when those words left his lips, and leaned in to whisper in my ear, "It's when you grow up, that is if you will though." The simple, normal gesture that friends do made Karin jump yell at me "OI! YOU'RE GETTING TOO CLOSE TO HIM YOU LOS-"

"Karin!" Sasuke barked, facing the red head who was now standing in silence, but her face says she wants to tear me apart with her own teeth without a second to loose. "Don't you dare finish what I think you're going to call Aiko! You have no right!"

The red head girl blew air out loudly from her mouth, but obliged to her beloveds command. I smiled at him, knowing that he does really care about me and how I feel. But that smile soon faltered  when the next several words slipped out of his lips and was curved into a smirk. "Only I can call her that."

When the red haired Uzumaki walked away, I faced Sasuke ticked off, I smacked the back of Sasuke's head. "TEME! And just when I thought you were growing up. Baka!

Despite the pain I give him, he laughed. And it was very rare to see him laugh or smile.

That thought made my lips tugged upwards, before I know it I found myself smiling, knowing I was the reason that made him laugh, even though it was because of annoying acts. Maybe, I should continue being annoying after all.

"Stop laughing Sasuke, you look like a choking duck"