Chapter Three

Aiko's Pov

The next day I decided to stay home, giving Naruto and Sasuke a text that I was sick, and I couldn't drive them to school. You know Sasuke replied? A single letter, and that was a big letter K. A big ass letter K. Naruto, being the sweet guy he is, gave me a call saying he'll be driving Sasuke to school with him, and also told me to get well soon. Yeah right, as if you don't every single day.

It was already 12 in the afternoon, my stomach was grumbling. I haven't eaten anything after the apple Neji gave me. It surprised me how I was able to survive until now. The second I got home from school yesterday, I directly went to sleep. I woke up at like 8 in the morning but decided to stay in bed with random thoughts running through my head.

I decided to sit up, running my fingers through my disheveled hair. "I'm too lazy to make lunch." I muttered under my breath. A part of me regretted missing school, dragging along the thoughts of missing surprise quizzes, lessons, assignments and such. Just taking a day off of high school and you're already missing a load of tasks. It is not even easy to cope up.

The doorbell rang, unexpectedly. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. Who could it be? No one ever visits me, well except for Naruto and Sasuke of course. I forced myself to stand up and walked downstairs to open the door. But before that I peeked through the window to see who it was. However, the only thing I saw was black hair. Huh? Who could it be.

The moment I opened the door, my eyes softened, I found myself giving the unexpected visitor a toothy grin. "Itachi!" I cried, as he welcomed me in his open arms. I embraced him, his breath tickling my neck as he chuckled.

"Aiko.." I released him and he gave me a wide smile. "What brings you here? Aren't you supposed to be-"

"Week off." He cut me off with a bunch of chuckles. "It's been a long time Aiko." He says while I opened the door wider, indicating him to come in. "We just saw each other like two weeks ago." I countered him, giggling in between.

"Oh yeah, I brought you these. Sasuke told me to check up on you and bring you some medicine, though he never really told me your sickness, so I brought some medicines for common sickness." He told me, making me raise an eyebrow, taking the bag off his hands. Sasuke told him? And I thought he never really cared. Well, all he did was send me a 'k'.

I laughed nervously, "A-ano.. I- uh." I began to trail off. It made Itachi look at me with a worried expression."Are you okay Aiko? Is there something you need?" He asked, walking towards me, putting a hand over my forehead before his palm made contact with my neck. My breath hitched. I mean, there is a god right in front of me.

Okay call me anything you want, but I liked Itachi before, man. How can you not? He's a great guy, unlike his brother who's an arrogant ass. Itachi's intelligent, he's got looks and he sure knows how to treat a girl right. Plus, he's kind and caring!  Are you saying Sasuke's not caring? If it weren't for him, Itachi wouldn't be here in the first place. Besides, Sasuke's got the look as well, and is the genius in your batch. How can someone not like him? I frantically shook out the thoughts. What the heck? I don't know if it was me siding on Sasuke or not. Oh my go-

"Aiko!" Itachi's voice snapped me back to reality. His onyx eyes that were just like his brother's pierced into mine. I felt my cheeks heating up as the only 'words' that came out of my mouth were, "Huh? I- um, I-I...."

The Uchiha sighed but gave me a small smile, "You seem to be in deep thought there, and you were staring at me." He chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. I gave him a lopsided smile, "S-sorry, I was, uh- I'm really not sick Itachi. I skipped school.."

My statement shocked him, "Why?"

He earned a shrug from me as I sat on one of my school from the counter, "I wasn't feeling like it." I explained straightforwardly. In result, he gave me a disappointed look, but he took a seat on one of the stools as well, beside me. He rested his cheek on his palm, facing me. "You can always tell me anything Aiko."

I nodded. Itachi's known me for a long time to not read me easily like an open book. "Noted." I mumbled, placing my Chin on the cold counter with my arms hanging down.

By then, my stomach growled, receiving another chuckle from the man beside me. That's right... I said man, unlike Sasuke, who's still a boy. I laughed at the thought and rolled my eyes. "Someone's hungry" commented Itachi.

"Yeah,no shit." I said, taking the telephone that was on my other side of the kitchen. But before I could dial for some pizza delivery, my door opened rather abruptly, making both our heads snap to the other direction.

"Aiko! Where are you?!" A loud familiar voice rang across the room. I found myself grinning again, like a child who's excited to get her Christmas present.

Another voice joined in, "Oi, Aiko!"

Those two voiced belonged to none other than Inuzuka Kiba and Uzumaki Naruto. I ran as the smell of pizza hit me. "Kiba! Naruto!" I called out loud giving them a hug after they placed four boxes of pizza on the table. They both returned the hug before letting me go.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

Kiba 'pffted' and hung an arm around my shoulders, "obviously, we ditched school for you." Naruto laughed along with his old best friend. I sweat dropped,"I'm alright guys, you didn't have to."

Both Naruto and Kiba opened their mouth to say something when another one interjected, "Whether you like it or not, we're already here, so stop being whiny about it." I looked behind them to see an exasperated, weary Uchiha, who looked untidy as heck and was holding a leash which held Akamaru. "Naruto! Kiba! You left me in school with Akamaru!" Sasuke petulantly whined.

"Look who's actually being the whiny one." I thought out loud, and unfortunately, Sasuke heard it. I mentally cursed and slapped myself for being reckless of my thoughts and words. The duckbutt, slammed the door behind him and dropped Akamaru's leash as he made his way up to me. I gulped, readying myself for some beat up, covering my face with my hands.

After a while, as I was waiting for the beat up, the unexpected happened instead. Peeking in a hole that I made through my fingers, he had his eyes closed as he took in deep breaths. Once his eyes opened, I completely shield my face, away from sight.

Then I felt soft, warm fingers delicately touch mine. For a moment there, I felt like the world was spinning.

My heart suddenly started beating hard.

The feeling was unfamiliar, uncomfortable but I felt like craving more from it. I gasped at the thoughts. No way!

Sasuke took my hands in his, staring at me, puzzled. Our eyes locked for a moment, observing every last detail on his face. Then, his straight lips tugged upwards, forming a smirk, his once stern face turned into a smug look, "Staring huh? Didn't anyone tell you before that it's rude to stare?"

I felt myself heat up but huffed and tried to shake it off before he could notice. I need to protect my pride! "As if! You're the one who started it! You desperately wanted to see my face!" I retaliated, pointing out the time he took my hands off my face.

"You wish! I just wanted to see if what I really saw was a pimple!"

My jaws dropped at his words. I felt like my pride came crashing down. He gave me a victorious smile, crossing his arms over his chest. How dare he. "You fuc-"

"Ahem.." Itachi purposely cleared his throat to confirm his presence to the three guests. All of our faces that were filled with so much intense emotions snapped back to the elder Uchiha's direction, who looked at us with an amused face. Still with a smile, he walked over to us, before he stood in front of Sasuke.

Then his smile faltered, turning into a straight line as he stood out two of his fingers to reach on his brother's forehead. I couldn't help but feel nostalgic. I remember Itachi giving him forehead pokes when we were young as well. Now, since Itachi's always out for work, I barely see him do it. I smiled.

Then my mouth was agape. Itachi had poke Sasuke's forehead. But it sent him to the ground as well.

Kiba and Naruto's laughter boomed all over the room, seeing Sasuke glared at his older brother. I couldn't keep my laughter in as well.

"Sasuke, you shouldn't talk to ladies like that! You should know better." Itachi lectured, and cross his arms, looking down on his younger brother in disappointment. The duckbutt Uchiha's jaw dropped this time, taking a quick glance of me who was giving him a smirk, "That's not a lady!!"

Before I could speak, Itachi countered, "Wrong! You can't see her like that because you're such a whiny boy. Now, let's all eat. Aiko's been wanting something to eat since earlier today."

I snickered at Sasuke who still had his butt on the ground. Sticking my tongue out, he growled, standing up before following behind us shortly as he muttered colourful words under his breath.

After the whole thing, hours passed by and it was already nighttime. Naruto gave me some notes he took from the classes he attended and so did Kiba who also had notes from different classes, since they both have different schedules. Itachi made us study for a couple of hours, eventually.  But of course nonetheless, we had fun.

Thanks to them, I was able to cope up.

"Everyone,thank to so much" I said, bowing my head as a sign of respect. Itachi gave me a pleased smile, patting my shoulder before he left. Naruto gave me a thumbs up and Kiba ruffled my hair, while his other hand held Akamaru. The two best friends then went out.

I sighed and closed the door, smiling as I thought of how lucky I really am to have friends like them. "So they left me again, huh?" A voice said from behind startled me, making me grab the closet thing beside me which was an umbrella and throw it to the figure, hitting his stomach with the umbrella's ferrule. He groaned in pain as he crouched on the ground, "God! Aiko! I swear you are suc-"

"Sasuke?! Why the heck are you still here?!" I asked him, running towards him. His face showed the feeling of pain, but I couldn't help but laugh when I realized he looked like he's having the red tide. "The heck are you laughing at?!" he snarled and I immediately cut my laughter.

"Ahh... I'm so sorry, Sasuke!" I say, putting his arm over shoulder then walking a bit to place him on the couch, he only clutched his stomach unpainted, I was sure it would leave a nasty bruise in the morning. "I'm so sorry!" I apologize again, bowing my head before him.

I heard him snicker, "Shut up looser."

Those words made me hit his arms as hard as I could, but I'm pretty sure to him, it was nothing. "What are you doing here anyway?"

He raised his eyebrow at me, but then shut his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair, "Washing the dishes" he muttered, looking at a different direction.

I looked at him surprised, "You did?" he gave me a nod in response.


"Because, Itachi told me to do so. What of it, anyway?"

I played with the hem of my shirt. He was laying there in my couch, hands under his head, as I sat in front of him in a small chair that reached his level. "That's a first." I say.

He chuckled again, "The first and the last one."

"Pfft, it won't be." I retorted, forming my lips into a smirk again, crossing my arms as well. He looked at me with a puzzled face, "As if."

From poking him as he sat up. He leaned in closer with a mischievous smile, our faces drawing nearer by the second. I gulped, feeling his breath fan my lips. "You keep saying I'm in love with you, what if it's you who's in love with me?"

My eyes widened at his question. My throat dried up and I felt like I forgot how to breathe for a second, my heart once again pounding against my ribcage. What the heck is this feeling?

I snapped out of it and out of nowhere, I punched him where the umbrella's tip hit him earlier, knowing that it was his weak spot for the time being. "You wish Uchiha" I say, sticking my tongue out. Hugs clutched on where I hit him and gave him a dirty look.

"You are such a pain in the ass, and that's why I hate you so much." Sasuke spat, ruffling my hair in process. I pout and huffed, "You really keep saying you hate me when you really do love me."

This time he only laughed, "Whatever helps you sleep tonight."

His sudden softness made me smile.  This is the side of Sasuke I barely get to see. I laughed along with him before he nudge me. "It's getting pretty late loser."

"Yeah, captain obvious." I confirmed, rolling my eyes. "You are so annoying" he says, ruffling my hair as he stood up.

"You always say that." I mumbled with a heavy sigh. Sasuke gave me an amused look. "It's because it's true, you mutt."

I felt a tick mark form on my forehead when he called me a mutt.  "You are so low Sasuke! A mutt? Are you serious?! Your wo-"

"It's only because you look like one right now. Get some sleep, get well during the night's rest and you'll look good as new again!" He says, a smug look worn. His hand held the doorknob but before he twisted it. He looked back at me with a genuine smile which surprised me. "And I care about you too. Feel grateful you loser because this handsome, almighty, genius really does."

I stood there dumbfounded at his words but raging inside as well due to his pride. "Have a goodnight, 'my lady'" He quoted 'my lady' with his fingers in the aid. I rolled my eyes when I realized he was mocking Itachi. Before I could even speak, he turned the doorknob and walked his way to the other side closing the door.

Then I smiled, "Goodnight Sasuke...."