Chapter Eight

Aiko's Pov

"S-Sasuke? What are you doing here?" I was beyond shocked to actually see him here. By judging his face, I could tell he wasn't happy. I raised an eyebrow, stood up and grabbed his wrist, pulling him in Neji and I's little group of two. I grinned at the two of them who were exchanging cold stares.

I giggled, dropping both my fists on both their heads, "Come on, you guys. What's with those looks?" Both of them groaned, looking at me with a gloomy expression, "That hurt Aiko." The Hyuga commented, pouting.

"Hn." Sasuke looked away crossing his arms.

I scratched the back of my head nervously, chuckling at two of them. The tension was thick with their dark auras combining. Even a stranger could tell that they aren't in best terms. I sighed with a smile still, leaning my back on the trunk of the tree. The sun was already up, the park looked more beautiful, just like how I remembered it. I took a deep breath, "It's such a beautiful day."

Neji nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it is." he smiled and looked down, plucking out bits of the dewy, green grass. His long, brown hair covering good the side of his face. It looked so soft, I wanted to touch it, so inside. It took him a bit off guard but gave me a toothy smile anyway  letting me be.

"Aiko, what are you doing?" Sasuke raised eyebrow, looking at the two of us in amusement.

Simply, I replied, "Braiding his hair."

I continued to tangle my finger with Neji's hair. I was right, it was soft, silky even. I couldn't help but feel a bit envious. Sasuke rolled his eyes at me and i stuck my tongue out at him. I ended up making a very, very loose, simple braid. I didn't want to make Neji look gay.

I laughed at my own thoughts and hugged the Hyuga so tight, burying my face on his hair, arms wrapped around his neck. I don't know why I did it but I just felt like doing it. He was again unwary and fell on the ground with me by his side. "Aiko! I c-can't breathe!" He stammered, struggling to take in some air.

I loosened my grip on him and calmly listened to his heart which was beating fast. I love Neji, so much it hurts. He's like a brother that I could never have. Sure, I thought I liked him before when we were younger, liked him more than just a friend but then I realized that I just needed some brotherly love, like Naruto, Kiba and Shikamaru. Maybe i can say that to Sasuke to but for some reason, it doesn't feel like it. I can't explain it. It's different when I'm with him.

Whenever I'm with Naruto, Neji, Kiba or Shikamaru, I feel safe, calm, I feel like I can do whatever. But when I'm with Sasuke, sometimes, I feel nervous, I feel like I need to think of what I do but no matter how much I try oppose, and do what I want, I end up being annoying to him.

"You're being clingy." A threatening, cold voice stated. I stayed in Neji's arms and looked up to see Sasuke with his eyebrows almost creasing. I huffed playfully, "You're jealous."

He gave me an irritated look, his ears turning red, "You're annoying."

See what I mean? If it were Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji or Kiba, they'd laugh over it or even act like they're hurt. But noooo, Sasuke's menacing, shadowy, emo! But not that it matters anymore, I'm used to being called annoying or a loser by him. I giggled and looked up the clouds, feeling Neji's fingers play with my hair this time as we aid down on our backs still.

"You love me, Sasuke." I cooed teasingly, earning a chuckle from the brunette. The duckbutt countered, "Hn, as if."

"Come here Sasuke." I say, holding up my hand for him to take but he didn't of course. The raven haired boy just continued to look at his surroundings before he let out a surprised gasp, "W-wait... Isn't this the park where we..?" He trailed off, still observing his environment.

Neji and I chuckled at his reaction, "Seriously Uchiha? You just noticed?" those words slipped out of my lips and he gave me a sly smile, "It's almost unrecognizable."

My arms was still hanging for him to come and join but he still rejected it, my arm was getting heavier. He took in some air and closed his eyes, enjoying the setting. I saw his lips curved into a sincere smile this time. I reckon he's remembering lots of things that's happened before right now.

That was....when a foot pushed his back making his thrust forward towards me, getting in my arms. But it was almost too impossible since he's way bigger than me. What happened? My arm got crushed by his body...not that I think it's broken anyway, he's just heavy. "Ow!" Both of us grunted in pain. Sasuke was unable to move as the foot kept its  contact to its back.

"Sasuke! Quit being gay!" A certain blond came up, arms crossed over his chest, looking at us smugly. "Don't you want to be in her arms, Sasu-gaaay?" Naruto teased, wiggling his eyebrows as well. He grinned and gave Neji a wave which the Hyuga returned with a jumpy smile.

Another figure followed the other and before I knew it, Shikamaru, Itachi and Kiba along with Akamaru stood in front of us. They gave us apologetic smiles before Kiba piped, "Oi, Naruto! Quit making a fuss, will you?"

The ball of sunshine looked back at them with a pout, "Eh? I was just helping Sasuke out."

The younger Uchiha growled at the Uzumaki while the other Uchiha raised a brow. "How are you helping me out in anything right now? "

Naruto opened his mouth to answer but Shikamaru quickly cut him off, dropping a fist on top of his head, making him whine at the Nara, "Geez, Naruto shut up." He grumbles, taking a seat beside the fallen Uchiha.

I laughed at the scenery and relaxed, trying to pull out my arm from Sasuke. He instantaneously reacted and lifted his body high enough high enough for me to take it out. I expected for him to stand up, but no. Alternatively, he just laid there beside me. He continued to look up the sky as I continued to look at him..his face, his features, the way his long, delete lashes would flutter whenever he blinks. The way his lips were ajar, the way his dark hair would dance with the cold wind. I was so close to him, I could almost hear the sighs that would escape his lips.

My heart skipped a beat as I felt my cheeks heating up when he faced me. Our noses barely an inch away. For a second, I felt like it was just the two of us, like the noises began to fade, just the breeze tracing our exposed, warm skin. He looked at me eyes widened for a second, like he was stunned. But then his expression changed quickly when his lips curved into a smirk, his onyx eyes still making a contact with my brown ones.

I felt my hair glide down to my cheeks, but before it could cover my face, which I was hoping, his delicate fingers halted it from doing so. As if the moment was gone, the noises became more and more audible, I could hear Naruto screaming my name but I couldn't move as though the beautiful creature paralyzed me from doing what I have  and want to do.

But I couldn't.

My heart was beating so fast and hard against my chest it felt like it could burst its way out any moment. Sasuke's lips moved, saying something but i couldn't quite catch his words. Either unwashed going deaf or he was just mouthing it. Yet, then I knew he was just saying words without letting his voice out.

Why am I feeling like this? Why is my heart beating so fast when it shouldn't?

I mean it's not the first time. Maybe, I'm just like this when I'm near boys. Yet, again, this effect doesn't come from Naruto, Shikamaru or Kiba at all, it doesn't happen no matter how close we are, but's different. It's the outcome I get when I'm close to Neji or Itachi...and now it's Sasuke.

I couldn't make up what I'm feeling. I felt numb. Almost as though I'm a baby who barely knows what feelings are. I'm not naive enough to not know what the others might call this feeling.

But it can't be .

I don't like him like that! I just can't. He's my best friend.... And this is Sasuke! One wrong move and everything might go down. I don't want to loose a friend just because of these stupid feelings. This is so hard for me. But... I'll probably get over this and think of it in a brotherly way. Like Neji and Itachi..

"Aiko! Geez, earth to Aiko!" I heard Shikamaru call and just like that, I snapped out of my thoughts and went back to reality. I found my eyes still glued to Sasuke who was no longer looking at me but his lips were tugged upwards in a conceited manner. He was smirking .

Then, I felt a gush of air hit my face directly. I saw that it was Naruto who blew air on me, facing me with an unsure look, "Are you okay Aiko?"

Itachi sat in front of me with a sly smile, "You've been staring at Sasuke for too long."

I felt myself blush at his words as I shifted and buried my face under Neji's long hair, turning my back on Sasuke who still had his smirk, only it was getting wider. I felt Neji's chest vibrate, my arm wrapped around his chest.

"Pffft, she's probably thinking of a way slaughter him." I heard Kiba mutter, with Akamaru barking at him.

"Hn. Obviously, she was ogling at me. Who knew she was one of my fangirls after all." Sasuke spoke, resting his hand on his forehead. I declined to meet everyone's eyes and kept my face covered. But when I heard those words slip out from the Uchiha, I replied like it was a reflex to protect my pride, yet failed when it came out more of like a squeak, "I was not! I-i just found it surprising how an ugly one like you actually exists!"

I heard him choke and I turned around only to see him actually gagging out whatever, "Sasuke just choked on his own saliva." Naruto said nonchalantly and pat on his back rather cruelly, making him thrust forward with every hit.

"Oi Naruto! Why don't you try patting his back a bit softly?" The Nara requested, flicking the blond's nose.

Naruto blew a raspberry at him and gasped, taking glances at different directions, "Why does this place seem so familiar?" He mumbled, placing his fingers on his chin.

I looked at them with shadowy expression, mentally face palming myself. Itachi looked as well, slightly surprised, "This is the park where we used to come and play. And I assume this is the tree where Sasuke pushed Aiko off." He said calmly.

Sasuke sits up and glared at his brother, "That was by reflex! She looked like she was going to rip me apart with her own teeth!"

I was about to interject but Neji hushed me to it, placing his palm on my face muffling my words. I tried taking his hands off but failed and gave up eventually. Once I calmed down, he released me and looked at me with a smile which I returned with a pout.

"Oh yeah.."Kiba spoke, resting both his hands on top of his head, "We haven't gotten any sleep yet."

That realization hit me like a ton of bricks dropped on me. He's right, we haven't had any sleep at all. With party, and Neji, I forgot about sleep. Not that it really matters much. But, sleep is essential. I sighed and wrapped my arm around the Hyuga's built chest again, closing my eyes. "I think I can sleep like this."

Snickers and chuckles were stifled as Neji placed a hand on my back. For a second there, I thought I heard someone growl but then was covered with a.. "Tch."

"Someone's jealous." I Uttered out with a raspy voice, feeling myself growling tired, my eyelids getting heavier and heavier as I felt Neji's chest rise up and down.

"Hn... As if I am!" Sasuke retorted. I could feel his cold glare at me, his fists clenched into balls. Yeah, I reckoned he's gritting teeth too. The Hyuga wrapped his arms arms a bit tighter, protectively. This is how it feels like to have a brother like Neji, huh?

I smirk and giggled, "Did I say it was you?"

Oohs and whistles were out of everyone's lips, laughing at the simple comeback. I held on the man's shirt as I felt his chest vibrate again. Sasuke's beyond annoyed, I can tell. Well, I am annoying to him, I guess that will never change. Hearing Sasuke stammer made my smirk grow wider. "I-ah, you-Ugh you are so annoying Aiko!"

"But you love me" I cooed at him one last time before I felt myself drift off to sleep.