One Billion Dubloons

"Come again?"

"Miss Mila, there is a bounty of one billion dubloons for bringing back Baron to Avalon. That is the reason why we have set out on a ship anyways."

One billion fucking doubloons. That pervert was quite the expensive bounty.

"Lucious, why is his bounty so high?"

Lucious sneezed. I coughed to get over his adorableness. Zarifa handed him a napkin as he blew in it.

"Well Miss Mila. That's kind of the controversy surrounding this matter. He is known to be the "Pirate King" after all. He has conquered over forty ships. Baron is known to take all of the treasures on board as well as kill all of the crew and passengers. That's why we're shocked that he spared us."

"What do you mean shocked Lucious? It's obvious because our Miss is the prettiest woman in the world! Who would want to kill her?"

I blushed.

"Oh stop it Josh! Don't think that your flattery is going to get you anywhere!"

The crew chuckled at my words. But what Lucious said was true. Is it really coincidental that Baron didn't kill me or my crew? Something tells me that Baron isn't just simply a "Pirate King", but something more influential.


"Yes, Miss Mila?"

"Has there ever been an apparent reason as to why Baron does this?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"I mean, is there truly a real reason as to why Baron has chose to become a Pirate?"

"Well Miss Mila, many day that it's because of his interest in the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle."

My heart skipped a beat. I jumped up shocking my crew.

"Lucious did you just mention the Bermuda Triangle?"

"Yes, Miss I have. Why the sudden interest?"

Sudden interest? Bitch please. My purpose to being a history major and the reason as to why I went on that cursed cruise was to figure out the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle.

It is rumored to be a patch of sea somewhere near North America. This body of water is rumored to be cursed as most ships or planes have gone missing after passing it. Many have went crazy over the idea of supernatural elements being responsible for the disappearances. Particularly with the connection of it being the area where the ancient city of Atlantis was stationed.

Another legend states that somewhere in that area is a patch of land which houses the most valuable treasure that time has ever seen.

As a young girl my father a History professor used to tell me bedtime stories about it. I clenched my fists as an overwhelming feeling of longing for my parents filled me. Wake up Mila! You might actually have a chance to return!

For now I have to get myself out of this mess with Baron.

"Wilhelm have you figured out a way for you guys to escape?"

Wilhelm shook his head. Ash raised his hand. I snickered at the action.

"Yes Ash?"

"Miss Mila, why don't we just bomb the ship?"

I sighed. It was a good idea. It would get rid off Baron at least but there's a big problem.

"Ash, we are still in the ship."

"You've got a point Miss Mila."

Of course I've got a fucking point idiot! Actually Ash gave me an idea.

"Josh and Ash, do you guys have any fireworks?"

I watched them empty their pockets of grenades, firecrackers, and firework materials. I whistled. How they hell did they get on the ship?

Oh yeah, there is no security in the 16th century. For the first time I'm thankful about that fact. I looked over at Clark. I hate to judge people but he seemed like someone that smokes.

"Clark do you have a match?"

"Yes, Miss Mila I do."

Well I guess that I was right to judge him. I looked at my crew. Tonight would be the night that we officially-


My crew flinched at my language. Lucious then asked.

"What's wrong Miss Mila?"

"We don't even have a ship to go back to. How are we supposed to escape? There aren't even any rafts!"

My crew's faces fell as reality sunk in. I punched the floor under me. Blood leaked from my knuckles.


This was so frustrating.

"Lucious, is there any way for us to know if there is land coming up soon?"

Lucious shook his head. Damn it. What I would do just to have a phone with me right now. Based on my historical knowledge, Avalon is somewhere in Britain. If the goal is to go to the site of the Bermuda Triangle, then we are somewhere near modern-day Ireland.

"How long ago have we been captured?"

"Three says to be exact Miss Mila."

I nodded at Wilhelm's answer. The land of Ireland or Wales should be coming into view soon. When we reach that place I can then make connections with the residents. Then I can use their support to turn in Baron.


The only problem is that I do not have a map or compass that can accurately pinpoint our location. My head ached as thoughts swirled my brain.

This whole situation was a pain in the ass.

"Are they feeding you well here my crew?"

My crew nodded. Zarfia's voice then rose in the dimness.

"They are actually very courteous to us Miss Mila. You don't need to worry. We are fed three meals and are given clean sheets and beds to sleep on."

I exhaled in relief. At least these people weren't suffering because of me.

"That's good to hear Zarfia."

I jumped as I heard a door close. The sound of boots hitting the floor filled my ears. I suddenly found myself being hoisted into the air. I quickly drew the dagger in my boot towards my captor's face.

"Release me or I'll be the last face you see before I send you to hell."

"Well, I'm honored that the last thing I see is my wife's beautiful face."

Tch. It's this bastard again. I slipped my dagger back in my boot. The act has to go on.

"Oh my dear husband, why have you left me waiting for long? I thought that you were going to come get me sooner?"

I pouted to emphasize my point. Baron chuckled and kissed the top of my head. Son of a bitch. I will deal with this humiliation for now, and pay you back hundred fold when the time comes.

I turned to see the shock cover my crew members' faces. I winked at them. They smiled and lowered their heads in understanding. I'm thankful that they are a capable and intelligent crew.

My ear tickled as Baron's lips tickled it.

"My wife, are you going to keep your part of the bargain?"

I nodded, and whispered in his ear.

"Of course I am dear. After all, I'm only yours. I give you permission to do whatever you want to me. Tonight I am all yours."

I backed up and saw his face flush. Desire filled his emerald eyes. Yes, you stupid fool. Fall under my spell and watch me use your naivety to my advantage. I don't plan to do anything with Baron. I put my hand on the corset pocket. I turned to look at Zarfia who nodded at me.

I smiled and waved at my crew as Baron carried me towards the room. I took out packet which had a sleeping powder that Clark and Zarfia gave me earlier. Baron kicked the door open and threw me on the bed. I smiled.

The battle now begins.


Thank you for reading my luvs! I will update soon❤️ please stay safe❤️😷