New plan

"No Miss Mila! That is too reckless of a plan!"

I agreed with Zarfia but I have to take measures as extreme as this. Getting close to Baron has been getting me nowhere. The best way to get out of this situation for now is to face him head on. But in order to do that I need to get my crew out of this cell. I looked at the keyhole. It was large and crooked.

Is it possible to open the lock with a simple barrette or hair clip? I ran my hand through my hair and picked out a long black hair clip.

It's so unusual. I still have the hair clip from before sinking. What happened? Is this possibly a way for me to learn something about the ship so that I can go back and prevent the ship from sinking?

Impossible. But is it really? Nothing about this whole situation has been believable from the start. If someone right now told me that Einstein was a woman I would believe them.

I began bending the hair clip based on the keyhole. Over and over again. Thirty minutes later my fingers ached as I continued to fiddle with the hair clip and keyhole.

"Miss Mila please don't mind us! You've been sitting on the dirty ground for over half an hour!"

Wilhelm was right. My legs have gone numb from kneeling for so long. Sweat caused my hair to stick to my forehead limply. I have to save them! We have to get out of this hell of a place. I was at my wits end at dealing with Baron. Are all men of the old times this clingy?

I inserted my mess of a hair clip into the keyhole once more.


I almost yeeted. Thank you God above for rewarding my patience! The lock fell to the ground as I pushed open the cell doors. My crew smiled as I rushed to them. I then pulled Ash and Josh's hands.

"Okay guys let's go!"

Suddenly I heard the sound of chains hitting the ground. I looked down to see chains tying Josh and Ash's feet together. The same chains surrounded the rest of the crew members. Despite knowing them for only a short while I felt my eyes moisten with tears. They were smiling and acting so supportive despite knowing the fact that they were chained. Josh and Ash were smiling as well. I set their arms down and sat in the middle of them.

"Why didn't you guys tell me about the chains holding your feet?"

The crew members looked at each other before Ash answered.

"We didn't want to discourage Miss. We were happy with the fact that you were trying to save worthless people like us. You may not know this Miss Mila. But we truly do care about you and think of you as a family member."

Something about Ash's words seemed to break the dam around my heart. I couldn't stop the tears that were flowing down my cheeks. I felt several crew members' hands on my back as i sobbed. Zarfia pulled me close to her chest.

I missed my mother's embrace. I missed the smile my father gave me after I passed a test. I missed the jokes I used to tell my friends as we giggled. I missed my old life. Not only that, but complete strangers were showing me such care. I couldn't even protect my family from grief, how do i expect myself to save these people? But I must try. They are the first people to open up their arms to me when I first came to this place.

The best course of action now is to find a way to get the keys from Baron to free them. Actually, why don't I just stay in the jail cell? This way I can boycott Baron. This can also be a chance for me to talk more with my crew and discuss the best steps to take. Based on my discussion with Lucious and my own deductions, there might be a only a week left before we encounter land. I pulled away from Zarfia's hold and put my hand out.

"Put your hand on mine if you are willing to follow me in my next course of action. Even if it may be at the risk of your own lives."

Several hands were placed on mine. I smiled. Suddenly I heard footsteps running. I turned to see several of Baron's crew members standing by the cell.

"Well, well, my wife seems to be quite the rebel. She must've forgot the fact that she was originally my prisoner."

A shiver ran down my back as I looked up at Baron. This was the first time I saw him so angry. He was wearing his hat, knee length black boots, and red coat. He truly looked like a pirate now. His smile looked malicious. I placed to stop my crew members from sheathing their swords. Baron laughed.

"Wow, you've even managed to seduce your own crew members. I condemn-"

He touched his cheek and looked at me in anger. My hand was stinging. I hid it behind my back. Clark held my trembling hand and nodded.

"You bitch! You should be grateful for my good treatment of you and your worthless crew."

Baron shook my shoulders. I looked down amd kicked the spot which he loves to pierce women with. Baron pushed me back as he winced.

I fell back on the floor, the back of my head striking the wood floor hard. I winced as I felt something warm leak down my neck. The scene in front of me began to blur. I heard my crew members call out my name. I felt someone's arms carry me as I was hoisted into the air. My senses suddenly shut down. I opened my eyes to see Baron's concern expression. He was shouting something at his crew as he ran down the corridor. I closed my eyes as the pain in my head intensified.

"God, you are such a troublesome woman. You must the only women who has ever pissed me off this much. You still owe me payback for my patience with you, so don't fade away yet. God above, why am I interested in such an annoying bitch."

I winced, as the pain spread to my neck. Baron was quite the confusing individual. I screamed as my head pulsed with pain. A second later the world around me turned black.


Thank you for reading my luvs! Please stay safe!