Underwater once more

I sat on the ground surrounded by my crew members and the noblewomen. A deck of cards in the middle of our circle.

My eyes started to cross. What the hell was happening? The game wasn't poker or old maid. It seemed to be a mix of the two with a side of uno. I set down my cards.


Clark looked over and sighed.

"Miss Mila you do have all spades but for a flush in this card game you must have all the spades with the same number."

I banged my head on the floor. Are you fucking kidding me? I've been playing this game for two hours now. And I've lost in every round. I looked over at Jacia and stifled a chuckle. She looked just like a casino gambler. In her mouth was a pipe as she smoked and dealt her cards. The rounds were always either won by her or Josh. Jacia looked over at me and chuckled.

"How are you still losing after so many rounds?"

I shook my head. I wasn't even sure myself. I looked at the people in the room. After Baron told me that he would starve us I told them all to leave in hopes of Baron only starving me. My crew members and the noblewomen denied and said that they would starve with me then eat. I smiled as I remembered their reactions. In the midst of this whole mess they gave me a little assurance. I truly do think of them as my friends. If I return to my time I will surely remember them.

"It's a full house you little bitch cough up the reward!"

Jacia slapped Josh's back as he sighed. He dug into his pocket and took out a small gold nugget. Jacia raised it and squinted as she appraised it. She then bit the gold nugget, it didn't bend.

"Wow, Joshy-boy you actually gave me real gold!"

Ash coughed and said.

"Could you stop smoking? It's going to kill us before the starvation."

"Shut up you piece of shit."

I laughed. Jacia is unlike any of e noblewomen that I've read books about. She was actually quite fun. Jacia's cigar continued to leak smoke as she dealt cards for the next round. Daniella and Clarabella were chatting about dresses.

"Clarabella I will not repeat myself, a corset is absolutely necessary even if one were to wear a silk dress."

"But Daniella my back and sides always hurt me after wearing one!"

Clarabella was quite adorable. My stomach grumbled as I leaned against my bed. Ugh. At this rate my wound is going to open up again. I need to do something to get food for all of us right now. I slowly crawled to the cabinet which Jacia got out the cookies from earlier.

Hmm. There were bottles with a dark red liquid. Probably whiskey. Next to them were boxes of assorted candies, as well as some fish. I smiled. That idiot Baron still provides food even though he said that he wouldn't. I looked at Jacia.

"Jacia can I have your lighter for a second?"

Jacia nodded and threw a small silver box. At the top was a button. I pressed it as a flame formed. Perfect. Now the only thing to get out is some sticks. I looked around the room. On the floor was a book.

Honestly I'm a book lover but sacrifices must be made. I placed the book next to me and opened it. I then ripped out pages and set them on the floor. I then brought out the lighter and let the flame lick the papers. I then places the flaming papers on the hard cover of the book. Quickly I grabbed the five fishes and punctured them with my sword which hung on my side. I then turned the fish to roast over the small fire.

My crew members and the noblewomen stopped playing cards and came over to my side.

"Miss Mila! Why are you doing that? We should be the ones cooking for you!"

I shook my head.

"No Wilhelm, please wait for a couple more minutes and then we will eat."

The group of people chartered as I continued to turn the sword over the fire. A couple of minutes later the fish was divided amongst us. I wiped my hands on my corset. Ugh. This reminds me of my college days filled with my lack of hygiene.

I shivered. Terrible days of instant ramen and candy to get through exams. Well they were pretty fun with my friends anyways.

As the crew members and noblewomen laughed I smiled. It felt like we were camping even though we were in a room. I then took grabbed the water canteen from the cabinet and poured some over the fire. As it died out I wiped my sword from the fish juices. It was pretty good food for something without seasoning.

I winced as my leg wound opened once more. Red stained the white bandages. Daniella ran over and redid my dressings.

"Thank you Daniella."

"I should be telling you that Mila. I've always been sheltered at home, taught things about how to be a proper life. I've never felt free in my entire life until today. So thank you."

I wiped away the tears from her eyes and hugged her. I'm glad that I could make someone smile.

Okay now is the time for us to discuss our next course of acti-

I fell back on the floor as the ship suddenly tilted. My crew members and the noblewomen did the same. Suddenly we found ourselves sliding to the right of the room.

Fuck! Is there a storm? I tried to regain my balance only to fall once more. I cried out in pain as my injuries leg smacked the floor. Paintings which hung on the walls fell as the ship shook. How troublesome. We have to get to the deck right now.

The ship tilted forcing all of us in the room to slide to the other side of the room near the door. It must be like this because we are somewhere in the bottom of the ship. I held on Zarfia's hand and swung her over to exit the room. She stood up and held the wall as she stood in the corridor.

"Miss Mila!"

"Zarfia listen to me! I'm going to swing over the people in the room and I need you to take them wi you to the deck."

Zarfia shook her head.

"But Miss Mil-"

"Don't "but Miss Mila" me! We don't have time! I will follow you guys after! I will not forgive you if the noblewomen and our crew members don't make it to the deck!"

Zarfia nodded and crouched in the corridor as the ship continued to shake. I started swinging the noblewomen over as Zarfia held them. Daniella, Clarabella, and Jacia yelled as water started to leak from the walls of the room. Shit I need the crew members to get to the deck now. My arms screamed in agony as I passed the twins, then Clark to Zarfia. Wilhelm was finally passed on to Zarfia.

My crew members and the noblewomen stood in the corridor as Zarfia reached her hands out to me.

"Come in Miss Mila! Just stretch a little bit more."

I stretched my hand to reach Zarfia's outstretched one.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Fuck! The wood floor under me cracked as water filled the room at an alarming rate. I heard the noble women's' screams. I raised my head as I desperately spit out the water coming in my mouth. Zarfia's eyes widened as the entire room detached itself from the corridor and crumbled.

"Miss Mila!"

Water was around me on all sides. I opened my mouth only for water to enter in and fill my lungs. I clawed are the water around me as I struggled to breathe.

Was I going to die again? Would I finally be able to see my parents again? The smell of blood filled my nose as my bandages unraveled. I couldn't see anything. As my last wish I hope that my crew members and the noblewomen reached the deck okay.

Suddenly I felt arms encircle my waist and pull me upwards. My vision blurred. Green emerald eyes filled my vision before I closed my eyes. I guess that death isn't that bad after all.


Thank you for reading! I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter❤️Stay safe my luvs😷😍