
I opened my eyes and looked at a wooden ceiling. This scene was way too familiar. I'm getting injured way too many times for a normal person. I lifted my leg. It doesn't hurt as much as it used too due to Daniella's curated attention. Despite living in the 16th century she strangely had a modern grasp on medicine. It was quite reassuring. I've already spent two weeks on this new ship. I haven't seen Baron for that whole time period but Jacia told me that he would visit me while I'm sleeping. I rubbed my face. Ugh. Since when was my situation with him this confusing?

Never mind. I feel terrible about the fact that I still haven't personally met the captain of this ship and thanked them yet. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and walked to the door. My head bumped into something hard.

Shit! I'm pretty sure that the door was op-

"Long time no see my dear wife. It seems like you can walk now."

Well this day started off terribly. I looked up at Baron's usual smirk and sighed. I do not have the energy to create a retort today.

"Baron, could you please move out of the doorway?"

Baron smiled. Oh shit that smile of his was dangerous. I turned my face as my face flushed. I couldn't keep my beating heart at bay. I wonder if he could hear it?

"I will move out of the way for a small price."

"What the hell Baron?! It costs money to leave my own room? You know that I don't have any doubloons."

Baron burst into laughter. It's melodic effect made my lips quiver. He had quite a contagious laugh.

"It's a price that isn't counted by doubloons but instead by satisfaction?"


What the fuck was Baron talking about?

Baron placed his fingers on my lips and caressed them.

"All you need to do is use your two lips and satisfy me."

My heart beat accelerated as my face flushed till the top of my ears. How am I suppressed to satisfy him with my lips? Did he mean that he wants me to?

I looked down at the place between Baron's thighs and under his stomach then back to his face. His expression turned confused then he scoffed.

"Hahaha! I didn't mean in that way Mila! I respect my dear wife. Just kiss me on the lips."

I exhaled in relief. God above I almost thought he was going to make me do something shameful. I stood on my tiptoes and leaned in and pecked his lips softly. Let me just think of it as a transaction. I pulled back when suddenly Baron's arms enveloped my waist as he leaned in and kissed me. All of my senses numbed as I felt my knees buckled.

How is this guy so good at kissing. I was growing addicted to the way his lips devoted mine and the way he pushed his warmth into me. I'm at a loss of how I was able to breathe despite his tongue encircling mine. Baron pulled back and pecked my lips quickly as he stood back.

I felt like I was in a daze as his vanilla smell filled my nose. My legs gave out as Baron held me up. His laugh was now husky as he looked at me. He then brushed my bangs to the side as he kissed my forehead softly.

"Do you know how important you are to me Mila?"

I shook my head.

"Before I met you, my life seemed to be quite redundant. All I ever saw was treasure, and the sea. Nothing else mattered to me. The feeling of happiness when a ship sinks and I cultivate its treasures was common. But he happiness I felt when I see you smile. When I see you insult me and fight me. All of your little expressions bring me a different sort of happiness. A happiness which exceeds that of getting treasure. A happiness that exceeds that of when I'm at sea. A happiness that I can't live without. You don't have to return my feelings right away Mila, but please just don't push me away."

Baron then hugged me close to his chest. For the first time I didn't have an urge to push him away. I actually kind of enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms that way. Despite the comfort I felt a certain feeling in my heart felt melancholy at the fact that this whole ordeal had to end soon. I pushed Baron back and looked into his sad green eyes which reflected me and only me.

"Baron, I can not return your feelings, for the moment at least. But I will not treat you as an enemy anymore. Is that clear?"

Baron smiled as he happily picked me up and twirled me.

"Thank you for not hating me Mila."

I smiled as he looked at his childish happiness. Let him indulge in this moment for a longer period of time. He deserves it.

"Wow, your wife is actually cuter than you've described her Baron."

Baron put me down and looked at the figure in the door. I also peered at the figure in the doorway. My eyes widened as my heat beat quickened.

Holy shit! It's the famous pirate L'Olonnais!


Thank you for reading my luvs, stay safe😍❤️