A slap and a kiss

I held onto Baron's hand as we walked into the village near the Marquis. My heart constricted as I thought of the purpose to this date. For some reason the warmth I felt from Baron seemed to calm me down.

"Hey mom look at how small that girl is next to her husband!"

I turned to see a little boy dressed in regular cloth clothes as his mother looked at us and chuckled. I flushed. That little fucking brat!

I stuck out my tongue at the kid and flipped him off. The kid glared at me as he walked away with his mom. I felt something tumble next to me. I looked to see Baron laugh. I blushed and turned my face away. The village was prosperous despite its primitivity.

People laughed, drank, and talked as they walked by the stalls. Awe filled me as I looked at the things being sold. Jewelry, charms, household items, fresh produce, and meat. I smiled. I guess that reincarnating in this time period isn't that bad.