A War Without Guns

Once more I sat in the sofa opposite to the Marquis. Like usual he was sipping his damn tea. I looked around the room. I wonder who it is that makes the tea for him. On the small wooden table there was a cup of tea for me as well. But this time it was green tea. I looked at the Marquis. His expression did not show that he put something in the tea.

Something on the inside told me that I shouldn't drink the tea this time. The Marquis set down his tea cup and looked at me with an icy expression.

"Mila. I have not seen our deal be implemented. Are you waiting for something?"

Wow. He just dived in to the subject. What an annoying asshole. I glared back at him and answered.

"Marquis. I will not enact the plan until I receive my down payment."

The Marquis chuckled as he sipped his tea once more. I stared at the small cup. How much tea was in there? He's been sipping tea for over ten minutes yet the cup is still not mother fucking empty!