An unwanted guest

Baron softly snored as he slept. I stretched and looked outside it was early morning. I had spent the whole night cooking his forehead. Daniella has come in several times to give me some herbal tonics and soup which I had fed Baron. Several times he had refused to eat unless I put the food the food in his mouth through a kiss. I refused and ultimately spent the night forcefully opening his mouth and pouring the medicine in.

I yawned. How bad do I look after that hellish night? I picked up a hand mirror which was on the floor and screamed.

I looked like I was about to jump out of a TV and haunt someone like the girl from the Ring. My eyes had bags under them and my hair was all over the place. I sighed and tried to run my fingers through my hair only for them to get stuck. I winced as I pulled. Holy Fuck. This was so embarrassing. I actually have my fingers stuck in my rat's nest of a hair.