An awkward encounter

My legs burned as I ran towards John's room. I needed to discuss things with him. We finally reached the blood door which was his. I knocked three times before opening the door.

Muffled sounds filled the room as something moved under the covers of his bed. I then called out.


The covers then went back and revealed a shirtless John with a naked woman next to him. I sighed and slapped my forehead. Even if we are falsely engaged can't the man have some restrain?! The woman then glared at me as she asked John.

"John who is she?"

I chuckled before answering.

"I'm his future wife sweetie but it's only by name so you can continue what you guys are doing."

The woman started crying as John held her. What an actress. Jacia's laugh filled the room as she walked in. Jacia then went to the side of the bed and picked up the covers. She had a look of disappointment before turning to the woman.