Flimsy rods and sheltered feelings

"You dumbass! You tie the rope around the the corners of the wood not the the middle of it!"

I sighed as I watched the crew members struggle with making the lifeboats. Based on the maximum occupancy of the Marquis's ship we could only put about ten lifeboats on the sides of the ship without sinking. There are about forty of us here. That's going to be four people per raft. That's good. I had formed the rafts using large vertical slabs of wood tied together by rope. I then tested them by pouring buckets of water to see if they would crumble. They did not. I looked outside. It was already close to sunset. After tomorrow is the deadline. So far we have made only three rafts. I rubbed my face. I don't think that I'm going to get any sleep tonight.

"Miss Mila, despite doing what you showed us the boat still crumbled after pouring water."