An epidemic

"Please don't die Mila! I promise that if you stay alive I'll stop calling you a bitch! So stay alive bitch!"

If you're going to stop calling me a bitch then please enfore your promise Jacia. Fuzz came out of my mouth as my eyes spun. Jacia continued to shake me on my bed as Daniella and Clarabella stayed by my side nursing me to health. Lutious stood at my room door with tears in his eyes. He then said.

"Stop hurting Miss Mila you stupid woman!"

Jacia's neck cracked as she quickly turned to look at Lutious with a glare.

"Child, if you still want your arms to be connected to your body, then please shut up."

Lutious covered his mouth as he nodded. My head spun from the pain as I felt nausea. my body ached as a fever ravaged across my whole body. Lord above this wasn't some regular flu or cold. What the hell is this? I turned to see my room full of my crew members. I sat up quickly as I pushed Jacia away.