Bandages and Kind Words

My eyes burned as I struggled to pry them open. I winced as I felt my whole body burn as if it were on fire. I could see a wooden ceiling. Based on my position I must be lying on the floor of a room. The dusty air clogged my nostrils as I sneezed. I cried out as my wounds burned with my sudden movement.

"Miss it is not good for you to move so much with those wounds."

I turned to see a middle aged woman with ebony skin and dark hair smile at me. She had a slight accent to her words. Kindness pooled in her warm chocolate eyes. I instantly felt my pain melt away.

"Thank you for caring for me, may I have your name?"

The woman smiled as a little girl sitting next to her kept dozing off.

"My name is Priscilla as anointed by my master."

I glared at the word "master".

"Priscilla. He is not your master. No one owns you but you. If you want to reference that despicable man don't refer to him as master. Not in my presence at least."

"Yes ma'am."

"And call me Mila."

"Yes Miss Mila."