
I covered my ears as Baron walked next to me. The irritable sound of Johannes's voice taunting me bothered the fuck out of me.

Initially I had thought of using Baron, Weston, and Francois's piracy skills in order to take over Johannes's ship and save the passengers. But after considering the repercussions in history of my actions I've decided against it. The least I could do though is discipline this asshole so that he could treat them better.

Ever since I came out of that room this asshole's been barking like a mother fucking dog. I turned and walked hurriedly up to him as I pulled his collar to bring his face closer to mine.

"Shut the fuck up before I punch all of the teeth out of your stinky breathed mouth!"

I then pushed him back as I walked next to Baron. Baron was smiling the whole time as he wrapped his arm around my waist.


Dude where do you think that you're touching?