A hesitant kiss by the moonlight

The deck was empty as all the crew members and captains retired to their rooms below. I rubbed my shoulders to warm myself as a cold puff of air emitted from my mouth. The full moon reflected in the calm water below. The large sails above fluttered slightly as a slight breeze blew. My teeth chattered despite the fact that I was clothed in multiple layers. I closed my eyes and breathed in the slightly salty air. How calming.

I stretched my arms up and winced as something in my back cracked. Lord above I'm only eighteen but I have the body of a fucking ninety year old. I sighed as I plopped down in a barrel facing the moon. My stomach grumbles. I didn't eat anything for the whole day so that I could provide the crew members with food as we are rationing. They need it more than me anyways. I closed my eyes once more as the sound of the waves slightly tapping on the bottom of the ship filled my ears.

"Aren't you cold like that my dear wife?"