True to the name

My heart beat quickened as I looked to see that Baron and I were completely surrounded. We sat in the middle of the deck as Henry stood in front of us smirking. His sword tilted my face upwards as he smiled.

"How disappointing. I thought that the two of you would put up more of a fight. Are you two on this ship for your honeymoon? Oh how sad. I apologize for ruining it."

Henry and the other crew members laughed as Baron and I sat back to back. All we had to do now was stall them until someone, anyone from our crew wakes up.

"Do you feel no remorse from looting ships? My husband and I have nothing to give you as we are the only ones in this ship. Is this really your only option?"

Baron looked at me as I acknowledged a lie. Despite the invalidity of the lie, it was a chance I had to take. If these fuckers are unaware of the prowess of our crew, then all the better.

Henry stoked his chin before he answered.

"It is not my only option."