A guide to moving: Ship edition 1650

I breathed in the afternoon air as the usual bustling of the crew filled my ears. I was sitting on the floor of the deck as Weston, Francois, Baron, and Henry discussed matters over a map. my eyes scanned the map of our possible trip route. Based on the navigation skills of our navigators, it was determined that we were about a week's time away from North Carolina. I looked over at Henry and smirked.

"Sir Henry, why are you joining in this conversation? You are not a member of this crew yet."

Henry scowled before putting on a poker face.

"I would like to become an adjunct captain as I believe that it would benefit both parties."

I chuckled.

"Are the two parties you speak of, yourself and my crew? If so, what benefits do we have from you?"

Henry breathed out in frustration before saying.

"Not only am I a skilled buccaneer, but a prosperous one at that. I could provide the services of my men along with any compensation."

I smirked.