100th Chapter

Hello readers, this is Mila, the protagonist of the story Sleeping Next to the Pirate King. I would first like to state that I appreciate all of your support and wonderful comments regarding my story. As I say this the author sitting next to me is already tearing up.

"Jesus Christ Sara! Get a hold of yourself!"

The author blew her nose, quite loudly if I may add and nodded. I sighed.

For the 100th chapter, the author and I have teamed up to deliver a conference with the main cast of Sleeping Next to the Pirate King. in this conference the cast will ask the authors and criticize several things which she had done with their personalities. Wait a second. Please excuse for a moment. The author is trying to escape the conference as she always escapes her issues in reality.

"Clark, Josh, Ash, Wilhelm, hold the author down! We will get our justice today and question her mistakes and faults!"