God is a woman

"Be careful, my dear. I apologize but I've forgotten to warn you about something."

I glared at Maldonius as I held the two identical envelopes in my hands. Maldonius smiled before clapping his hands together and smirking. He then snapped his fingers, as his hair turned silver, lengthened, and reached his waist. His eyes gleaming golden as his broad chest enlarged and a white plunging neckline dress fell on his voluptuous body. He winked at me as my jaw fell to the moss below. Instead of a cocky bastard, there was a beautiful bombshell facing me. I looked around me to look where Maldonius had gone.

A soft and seductive female voice chuckled as the female approached me and flicked my forehead.

"My dear, all I've done is change forms yet you're quick to forget me?"