Page 8: Library

"Hey, isn't that the girl who ranked first?"

"And with her is...the rank two?"

"Wow, they look like eye candy."

"I know right? Almost like models."

"But aren't they in bad terms?"

"I heard they were caught skipping classes."

"But they look so good together!"

I know I'm used to gossip especially with the industry I am in. Hearing both good and bad things about you is quite common as more and more people would want to see your downfall. I'm used to it. But it's funny how hearing that in school, moreover in the library, doesn't feel the same at all. Most especially when your reputation is being tossed around with this jerk. 'Study with me' my ass. You just wanted to watch over me so I won't get ahead of you and you'd finally defeat me. I can't believe I was even tricked into following him into the library. Why are lunch breaks so long anyway? And why of all days did I forget to bring my lunch? Ugh, this is all Dave's fault. I got too distracted of my temper that I stormed out before I could grab the lunchbox at the counter.

"Hey, you're making a really scary face right now." said Niko who was sitting in front of me, scribbling over his notes.

I continue sticking on the colorful page markers on my study material ignoring his remark.

"And now you're angry studying. Is this really how you ace all the exams? Are you scamming me?" he whispered.

I groan, "Well what did you expect me to do while I hear all these people talk around us? And isn't this supposed to be a library? Why are they even talking?"

He glances up to me, still head down on his notes, "It's not like they're talking bad about you."

"Yuh-huh! They are talking about me in an equation where there is YOU."

I see Niko hold back his laughter.

"Is something funny?" I complain.

"'s just," he can't even contain his laugh, "I can't believe even your sentences would include mathematical statements."

Unimpressed, I pull out my highlighter and started marking my study material. I didn't want to entertain any of his mindless banters anymore. As long as he doesn't act all weird and mushy as he was earlier, I'm more than willing to tolerate his presence while I study. Then again, seeing that side of his makes me uncomfortable. Thinking about it makes me shudder.

"You're starting to turn your textbook into a coloring book." said Niko who noticed my paragraphs in colorful hues.

"I am not!" I defend, "I'm trying to designate each detail with different colors."

He scoffs, "Yeah like having four different colors in an excerpt makes sense."

I wanted to get mad at him for mocking my artistic talent, but then it would only mean I'm actually getting swept by his teasing. Instead, I smiled saying "Of course you wouldn't understand. That's why you're ranked two." and I continued my highlighting.

I heard him choke, having a realization that I just hit a nerve. I laugh in my head thinking I finally got him. I honestly don't have a study habit. Highlighting while reading is my way of destressing. Most of our lessons were already taught to me back when I was home-schooled, so I couldn't care less what the topics are going to be about. Making art of my study materials is a different story.

I peek at Niko and I see him observing me. Yeap, he really believed me. He watches the paragraphs I read and how I (randomly) precisely cover them in ink.

"So...what's yellow for?" he asks.

"Hmm? I thought I was just turning my textbook into a coloring book?" I playfully replied.

He scowls, leaning down, "Come on! I told you I'll keep your secret if you let me study with you."

My eyes drag to his face. I am positive that I'm making a poker face right now. I really want to tell him that I don't really care about it anymore, but whenever I think how this boy could possibly twist the truth, my stomach just turns on me and I can't imagine having the rest of my days as a normal teenager being more miserable than this.

"What are you doing?" a familiar voice arrived.

I turn to my left and I see Miya standing before us, looking worried seeing us both. Oh no, I know that look.

"Miya!" I greeted, "I thought you were eating with Sara and Jill." I whispered. We ARE in a library after all, am I right gossipers from afar who just can't seem to stop looking at our direction? Okay, point made.

"I did but then news got to the cafeteria that people saw the two smartest people of the year in the library, stUDYING."

Niko knocks on the table grabbing her attention, "Yeah you see...I was the one who suggested this. And since it seems Eve here forgot her lunch, she didn't have much of a choice."

I glance to Miya and whoo-wee she is struck. Uhh Miya, careful not to rip your mouth now. Your smile is reaching from ear to ear.

"What he said." I replied.

"Y-You could've told me. I could've shared my lunch with you!"

"No it's fine. I was planning on heading to the library anyway." As if I have much of an appetite after what happened this morning.

"Yeah, Eve was just showing me her tricks in studying." Niko added.

"Studying? What are you talking about? Eve doesn't even study." Miya blinks.

Niko looks to my direction and I instinctively looked away. Miya!!!!!! Grrr. This was not what I expected to happen.

"Ahaha. Langley, what do you mean she doesn't study? Look here, she's been highlighting the book all lunch." he points at my material.

I see Miya raise an eyebrow at me.

"Niko," she sighs, "That's just Eve's habit. This girl does not study at all. Her home schooling has covered lessons up until high school. Her knowledge could even be leveled to a college student by now."

I look to Niko and my eyes met his. But this wasn't some kind of loving stare. He was furious.

"You tricked me?"

"Now Niko, I never said I study." I try to reason out.

"But you still did lead him on." Miya contradicts. I swear, Miya is fueling the fire and it isn't helping.

"I'm telling everyone about your secret!" he exclaims quietly.

"What secret?" Miya adds.

"He's going to tell everyone I was isolated and mistreated by my family as a child and that I've been home schooled."

Miya's eyes enlarged, "But...Niko weren't you the same?"

I don't know what got into him, but the moment he heard that from Miya, he stood up, fixed his things and walked out. Our eyes followed his back until he finally disappeared into the hall.

"What was that all about?" I said.

Miya sat on the chair Niko left open and smiled at me. "I shouldn't have said that."

I don't know exactly what just happened but I'm sure I'm curious about something.

"Miya, Niko reacted weirdly when he found out I was forcibly isolated by my family. That reaction of his right now was no different. What exactly happened to Niko?"

Miya's sweet smile turned to a pained look. I have to find out. I just have to. I know I've been neglecting this fact. But the fact that Niko Stepanov is Cherry of Heiress' twin brother, I just might find something interesting that can pull her down from her high horse.