Dave's Corner: Episode 2

****if you have not read chapter 11-15, do not read yet****may contain spoilers****

Hello everyone! I am Dave Willis, manager of Queen's top model, Hera. I welcome you all for an episode of Dave's Corner wherein we discuss the characters, the happenings and fun facts about our story [Heiress: The Revenge of Hera].

In today's episode, I AM IN SHOCK.

First of all, just when I was planning on getting a new car that looks low profiled for me to be able to drive Eve to school without getting recognized, ANOTHER PROBLEM ARISES.

I know it's not my place to judge, but who would have thought [spoiler alert] that Cherry was Niko Stepanov's alter-ego? I mean, I don't know what had happened but all of a sudden after Lily and I took care of the press, this information comes up and my darling Hera is suddenly in a bind.

I did warn her that Niko will definitely search for her, but she got careless and now the boy's been bugging her both as his real self and his alter-ego.

I'm asking the heavens that this'll be settled soon or else Hera won't be able to work properly in week's time.

Enough of my pointless ramblings..it's time fooooor FUNFACTS!

In the latest update, it would seem that despite Eve being two hours early arriving in school, Principal Langley had already been there way ahead.

Truth is, Principal Langley has a secret lair within his office. Somewhere in that room is a trap door that leads to his private lounge. He rarely comes home always worrying about his precious school. Miya, Eve's best friend and Principal Langley's daughter, communicates with her father through video calls to check on her father. Yes, you heard it right, the daughter is the one checking on her father. Principal Langley's dedication to his job often makes him keel over after all. But because he's a pro, he does not show any weakness to his students.

Alright, that is it for today. Join me next time for another episode of DAVE'S CORNER!

Look forward to the next chapter of Heiress: Revenge of Hera! 👐