Flirt Park Jimin.....

Kim Y/N's POV

As I moved in this house Mr.park has been strange he comes In my room and lays on my bed and keeps looking at my face like I did something ,he keeps telling me to make him food when jin oppa already makes....and here he comes again "Y/N yaaaaaa can you make some ramen for me ?" he said as he sat beside me as I was adjusting his schedule....hmm I sighed and looked at him "Mr.park jimin am not your maid but manager " I said as he smiled and said "I know that " and layed on my bed and said "hurry up oppa is hungry " I sighed and gone towards the kitchen only to be meet by Mr.jeon jungkook who was busy on his phone "hii Y/N~~~" he said as he kept the call and smiled at me I smiled back and started searching the pot and ramen as I took it out i looked at jungkook and asked him "jungkook shi you don't have a personal manager?" I puted the pot on the gas as I oned it poured the water in it and waited for it to boil "well your same age as me so I don't have problem telling you,I mean its official that I have a girlfriend " he said as I nodded and added the noodles in the boiling water and seasoning "so I don't need manager ,I mean sejin hyung is enough " I sighed as i said "well good for them ,and congratulations for your realtionship " i said as he smiled nodding and said "let me cut some onion ,isn't it for jimin hyung ?" I nodded and he cutted it and added it into the ramen and added a egg too ....after if it was done I served it in 2 bowl gave 1 to jungkook and took one to Mr.jimin ....

jimin's POV

As she gone out of the room tae came In and sat on the bed and said"bro wanna have a drink tonight?" i smiled and said "lego bro why not sure " he laughed and said "let's get jk too " I nodded as Y/N came in and gave me it tae got up and said "well gotta go for now ,I'll bring it when I'll come Ara and tae are waiting for me " and gone away ....I sighed as I looked at my manager who was already working on the files I sighed I remembered about tonight's plan so t decided to tell her "manager " I said as she looked at me and said "yes?" and I said "tonight me ,V and kook will have a drink so make sure you stay awake till we are done okay ?" I said eating my noodles and she nodded and said "sure I'll arrange it " and I nodded back....