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19. Death Awaits

Before Jin could finally meet up with Scar, Mufasa had grabbed Scar up in the air and threw him down the ground.


Crashing down the trees and tumbling down the ground, Scar got up his feet.

He wasn't worried about the damage only was he worried about Jin.

"Uhmmm...is that Mufasa?"

Jin said as he looked at the sinister creature flying above the air. Quickly averting Mufasa's gaze towards Jin, a grin etched on his face.


Mufasa was speaking gibberish words that couldn't be understood by anyone. His tone was now quite deeper and scarier than his previous voice. This made Jin shiver in fear, he had now regretted why he had return back even if Scar had already clearly stated to never return and flee as far away as he could.


Swearing as he gulped down nervous saliva, he wanted to escape from Mufasa's devilish stares that looked like he was staring into his soul.


He placed his palm towards the direction of Jin then long black burning blades shoot itself like a bullet towards him nonstop.


Immediately, Scar dashed himself like a beam to block the attacks by forming a cross on his hands that caused the flames on his arms to turn into a giant shield.

Ta! Ta! Ta!

"Kid why did you return? I said run as far as you can!"

"I-I'm sorry, I was worried about you but what in the world happen to you? You became another person? Is this a new form?"

"Yes, and hurry up! Hide behind me, you'll be safe."

"That's your brother? He looks entirely different."

"He is no longer my brother, Thorne's power has already corrupted his soul."


Mufasa (Corrupted)

Level: 60

Rank: Dungeon Boss

HP: 42,069/500,000

'Hah? Another dungeon boss?'

He blurt out in disbelief. It was weird that a dungeon had 2 bosses inside. He had never heard of anything like this coming from the many hunters he had eavesdropped on.

Maybe there was something like this but no hunter has ever entered or if they had they might have kept it as a secret. From his thoughts, when he entered the dungeon portal, it was mostly dark and violet in color, maybe that color represents a split dungeon or such but he never knew of that since this was his first encounter of dungeons.


Again, Mufasa spoke gibberish words and above the sky, sword rain down towards them.

"Let's go!"

Scar grabbed Jin's arms and flee inside the lair. As they arrive inside, Jin saw the corpses of the 4 beastmen aligned in the ground. Tears drop down his eyes seeing how they were mercilessly killed.

"I-is that.."

"Yes, it's them, now let's go."

Scar didn't want to recall their deaths and hurriedly as they hid in a pile of rubble to plan out the situation.

Mufasa slowly entered back inside the lair, he didn't enter the entrance but he move through the walls of the dome.


"He's here."

Silently Scar whispered to Jin hearing the gibberish words Mufasa spoke.

Mufasa scanned the surroundings using his devilish eyes and not seconds passed, he saw through a pile of rubble strong mana flowing. A black beam blasted from his right palm which moved like a ray of light hitting the two who were hiding.


The beam pierce through the pile of rubber and was about to hit Scar but he blocked it using Blazing Rapier. The beam then bounced back towards Mufasa but he easily evade it by flapping his wings sideways.

Scar showed himself to Mufasa with a fierce expression.

"You shall not pass!"

"Kyahaha! @$$+!+$"

Mufasa chuckled in a very sinister manner that made anyone who hears it gets chills down their spine. He spoke devilish words and numerous small black portals appear on his sides that generated liquid purple goo that moved towards scar at an alarming rate.


But Scar didn't shrink down at this disgusting attack. His blade burned brightly as the sun. The dark dome lit up that every shadow had disappeared from sight.

"[Phoenix Flare]!"


Scar slashed his sword vertically on the air that made the flames on the sword form into a flaming phoenix flying towards Mufasa. The goos turn evaporated into ashes after it came to contact with the phoenix and when it arrived in front of Mufasa, it covered his entire body into flames causing him to screech in pain.


His health drop at an alarming rate and it instantly drop to 5% but this was not the end. Jin had actually activated [Thunder Clap], [Flash], and [Ambush] that's why he had disappeared in Mufasa's sight. Quickly he sprinted towards the wall of the entrance, and when he got near Mufasa's vicinity, he kicked up his feet from the walls and performed a front flip towards Mufasa holding his blade horizontally cutting his burning body in half.








Damage indicator continued to appear above Mufasa's head nonstop which dark blood began to spurt down his body that caused him to fall down and crash in the ground.


His health was now extremely low so Jin and Scar didn't waste time for Mufasa to regenerate it again so after Jin dropped down the ground, they immediately dashed towards Mufasa.


As they were about to make their final attack, Mufasa roared out causing powerful waves to echo in the surroundings that blew away Scar and Jin for a few meters.



Scar and Jin immediately stood up from the ground and sped towards Mufasa after being blown away. Didn't want to waste any time so they hurriedly wield their swords.

Swing! Slash!

They swung their swords to his wounded body resulting in his death to be drawn.



+25,000,000,000 XP

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!




You have slain Mufasa (Corrupted)!


Congratulations on becoming the first hunter to kill one of the strongest Corrupted monsters!

+30 to all status

+Dark Elixer (A+)

"Hah! We won..."


Both of them drop down on the ground fully exhausted. They were able to successfully subjugate Mufasa and seeing the rewards that Jin accumulated, he didn't regret not coming here to help Scar.

He was given 8 levels instantly so his level was now 44 almost near level 50 where he will receive his next class advancement.

Not only that, he was given another reward for killing Mufasa; an additional 30 points for each status attribute and a Dark Elixer that Jin had never heard of.

Before that, Jin needed to distribute the points he had received.


Name: Jin

Class: Assassin

Level: 44 (27%)

HP: 9508/9700

MP: 443/1000

[AGI]: 88 (+30)

[STR]: 101 (+30)

[VIT]: 67 (+30)

[INT]: 70 (+30)

[SD DNCE]: 10

Status pts: 130

"Distribute 65 to strength and 65 to agility."


Name: Jin

Class: Assassin

Level: 41 (27%)

HP: 9508/9700

MP: 445/1000

[AGI]: 118 (+65)

[STR]: 131 (+65)

[VIT]: 97

[INT]: 100

[SD DNCE]: 10

Status pts: 0



Before they could sigh in relief, Mufasa's corpse begin to tremble quickly both of them stood up to see what was happening.

They grabbed their swords which they pointed unto Mufasa that was shaking like something had possessed him.

"What's happening? Don't tell me its alive?"

"I don't know but we should be careful!"

They didn't know what was about to happen. Mufasa's corpse continues to tremble faster so it made them both wonder something bad might occur so in instincts, they moved back for a few meters.







"Get out!"

Scar quickly pushed back Jin that made him graze his sword to his arm dealing damage accidentally as he tumbles on the ground.


The damage he dealt was not something to worry about and immediately Scar made a giant dome of flames that trapped him and Mufasa's corpse inside.
















A loud explosion reverberated inside the flaming dome. It made the place shake violently but fortunately, the explosion only occurred inside.


+18,000,000,000 XP

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!




You have slain Scar!

"Yeah! What? No!!!!!"

Seeing that he had leveled up by 5 more times, he smiled in joy but it cost Scar's life.

Immediately he regretted smiling in joy and knelt down the ground screaming in despair after knowing that Scar had sacrificed himself for Jin.