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23. Classic Joke

"By the way, what are we gonna do now?"

Scar asks Jin who was busy checking the items in his inventory slot.

"Just wait, I need to do something first."


Scar sat down in the ground and began to meditate. Jin didn't mind Scar as he was too busy reading the descriptions of the items he had just accumulated. He arranged the items from the ones he thinks that would of use and the ranking from low to high.

This took him quite a period of time to finish rearranging them. He place them all in the ground and piled it in order. What he was going to do is to check the mana imbued in each item so he can learn the ranking of the colors of mana.

For now, he ranked Scar's mana color as No.1. He still needs to check out the other colors that's why he piled them up in order.

"[Mana Awareness]!"

As the blue wave of glow echoed around the surroundings, Jin's vision had again change. First, he checked the lowest in rank according to the system, the F-ranked items.

"Color Blue."

Just as he thought, the color blue would be the common color for items with mana so he ranked it as the lowest and proceed to the next piled up items, the E-ranked.

"Color green huh."

The E-ranked items all glowed a green mana, some of them were a bit darker green, and most of them were lighter in texture. He proceeded to the next pile, the D-rank.


Seeing that the D-ranked items where glowing yellow mana was a bit strange. Since Scar emitted a burning mana, its color was nearer to yellow so he thought that the yellow color might be at least from B to A-ranked. Maybe there was a separate ranking between the mana emitted by the items and living beings thus Jin needed had to put this in mind.

Next, he proceeded to the C-ranked items. All of them glowed in orange color. Almost every item where the same color as Scar but Jin had already placed in his mind the possibility of difference so he continued to the next piles of items.

"Let's see, Oh?"

The B-ranked items emitted a red color almost as if the rankings are based in the colors of the rainbow except it started in blue, not violet so he was a bit curious at the next color of the piled up items, the A-ranked.


Seeing the changes in color was a bit odd. The color Violet should've been the last ranked yet it had became first. Now this made Jin wonder what would be the mana color of an S-ranked item.

Jin canceled [Mana Awareness]. He returned back the items that he would use in his inventory and threw away the items without a use for him.

This was his conclusion. The F-ranked items glowed in Blue, the E-ranked items glowed in Green, the D-ranked items glowed in yellow, the C-ranked items glowed in orange, the B-ranked items glowed in Red and the A-ranked items glowed in Violet color. The glow also helped to know the power of the item. As the glow becomes dimmer, the weaker the power, and the brighter it is shown how stronger the power of the item.

Now that he knew of the ranking of mana color, he proceed to equip the new items he was going to use.







Norse Coat

Rank: B++

Type: Coat

+10% resistance against cold temperature

+400 HP

+1500 Magic defense

+200 movement speed

Unique: Swift Wind: Speed will increase by 5%-20% in cold areas.

Iger's Chest Plate

Rank: A

Type: Light Body armor

+1000 HP

+400 MP

+1500 Magic defense

+300 Physical defense

Unique: Bending Magic: When health drops by 40%, all incoming magic attacks will have a 35% chance of missing.

Golden Armlet

Rank: A

Type: Armlet

+20% Damage

+20% Attack Speed

+10% Critical Chance

Unique: Wombo Combo: After dealing with 5 consecutive attacks, the next attack will deal with 3 joint attacks dealing an additional damage (+40% STR) (+20% AGI).

Ganking Jeans

Rank: BB

Type: Light Lower armor

+30% ATK speed

+30 MP regeneration

+10% Movement Speed

+200 PHY/MAG defense

Unique: Mana Gank: In 5 seconds without receiving any damage enhances the next attack that deals 200 magic damage (+60% INT) and heals 8% of the missing mana.

Arsenal Mask

Rank: A+

Type: Face Mask

+20 MP regeneration

+300 Damage

+500 ATK speed

+10% Cooldown

Unique: Silent Chant: All skills can now be activated using the mind.


Name: Jin

Class: Assassin

Level: 49 (1%)

HP: 9508/9800 "+1400"

MP: 2088/2140 "+400"

[AGI]: 213

[STR]: 226

[VIT]: 98

[INT]x2: 214

[SWD]: 10

Status pts: 0

(Note: I have added the effects for the equipped items but only for MP and HP)

"I feel a lot stronger now!"

Due to the newly equipped items, it made him looked more dashing and edgy at the same time. His body had become a lot stronger and overall he was becoming more of a real assassin with the mask in his face that was super cool knowing the fact that this would help hide his appearance and not just that, the unique effect of the mask lets him cast skills without loudly speaking them, he could now just think of the skill he wants to activate in his head.

This effect would become very useful against opponents who are very intelligent in battles but still that was still far from reality. He still can't get out of this place and return to earth without finishing the task ahead.

"Scar! Scar!"

"Hmm? You done."

Scar was still in the middle of his meditation and answered Jin's call.

"Look! Don't I look cool?"

"I don't know, ask Joe."

"Who's Joe?"


Slowly as Scar stood up from his feet. A grin was etched on his face seeing that Jin had fell on his trap. He exhaled a lot of air before answering his question.


His voice turned into a wild gush of wind blasting Jin away. Jin crashed on a tree slowly as he stood up with a triggered face.

"Wahaha! You...you actually fell for that!"

On the other hand, Scar was wheezing nonstop.

"You bastard!"

Immediately, Jin went on the rush to try and beat up Scar using Dainsleif.


But Scar just smirked at Jin. As Jin arrived at his perimeter and is about to swing his sword, Scar quickly kicked both of his feet causing him to fell down the ground face first.


Scar immediately grabbed Jin's right hand and twist it in his back to bind Jin from moving.

"That's the payment for that last fight."

"Ghuah! You...pfft! chweater!"

As he tried to remove his face from the ground, some dirt had went inside his mouth which when he spoke, he spit them out.

"Who looks cool?"



"I said Joe mama!"


Scar released Jin from his constriction backing away with a face of a winner.

'Tch! You got lucky!'

Knowing that Jin lost, he didn't want to accept it. When Scar was walking away, Jin slowly grabbed Dainsleif and sneaked on his back to try and make a surprise attack but when he was about to strike, he halted from doing it when Scar spoke.

"Oh Jin, you can have this."

"Huh? What is it?"

Jin received what could be seen as a bracelet made out of small silver chains.

"That actually belonged to Mufasa but since he's dead, it has no owner anymore, so it's better for you to have it."


Mighty Experience

Rank: S

Type: Bracelet

+200% XP gain

Unique: Rapid Growth: The status points received every level has a 50% chance to double or triple the actual amount.

Item Skill:

XP Consume (Exp): Items will be converted into experience points. Depending on the rarity, rank, and specialty, the experience points converted will rise accordingly.

Mana Cost: None

Cooldown: None

"Joe Mama?!"

(Clue: It's an offensive word)