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28. Cold Power

Thousands of years ago, when the legendary dragon hasn't wreaked havoc, there was a young man who was left in an orphanage.

In the orphanage, he was mistreated, bullied, and unloved by everyone due to being weak-willed and many years passed, he endured this suffering until a group of ogres massacred the orphanage killing everyone except for him.

He survived by hiding in a barrel for 3 days, eating only grubs, worms, and his own urine. When he escaped from the ogres, he was captured by a pack of wolves and thinking that this was the end, Gred arrived to help the young child from the hands of death.

Gred faced off the wolves using his powerful bow. He stretched the string of the bow and a blue arrow appeared in the center. As he released the arrow from the string, the arrow duplicated into numerous arrows which fired towards the wolves aiming accurately on their heads killing them instantly.

The kid was fascinated by Gred's enactment and followed him where ever he goes. Gred happily raised and trained him to become an expert marksman that can defend himself and he was named Quincy.

After Quincy had become 16 years old, he enrolled in the knight's academy of Salonpas Kingdom where he showed his beautiful skills and technique. This made him become the number one knight and served as the right hand of the king and became a general.

Due to his slim figure, silver hair, sleek and handsome face, he was renowned as the northern owl. The bow that Gred had used was given to him as a reward for his absolute valor and pure heart.

He had become the most accomplished person in the Salonpas Kingdom but then the legendary dragon appeared. He was killed along with his friends and all of the people of Salonpas Kingdom and his bow was never to be found again.


"It is Quincy's bow!"

Jin gleamed in excitement after seeing that he had acquired the weapon of a well-known hero and is now a legend. He grabbed the bow in his hands and attempted to use it but the icy coldness of the bow froze his hands.

"Damn, this is truly powerful."

He would've removed his hands from the bow at this rate knowing that it had froze his hands but he didn't. The frostbite wouldn't hurt him since he had the pain nullification in effect so he continued to try to use the bow.

When Jin stretched the string of the bow, a blue frozen arrow generated on the center of the string. First of all, Jin didn't have any experience on using bows, he was only copying the marksmen-classed hunters he had last encountered from before everyone had became frozen. Upon releasing the arrow from the bow, it flew away in a super-fast motion and struck to a nearby wall where Jin had aimed at.


"Wow! So this is the power of 100% accuracy!"

Jin exclaimed. Now that he had perceived the power of Quincy's bow, he was eager to learn more about the arrow and try to use it against monsters.

"Okay now, Scar, let us go to the next hunting ground."

Jin called out Scar but he didn't answer. He looked at what was happening to Scar and thought he might have just been meditating, Scar was becoming dizzy and fell on the ground.



Quickly Jin went to check what was happening only to find out the reason for this when the window interface popped up.


The soul has reached his time limit!

Cooldown is now starting...



Now that he knew what was happening, he sighed in relief thinking that he might have to return on his grievance. He looked at Scar who looked like he had his final dying breathe and spoke to Jin with a very soft voice.

"Jin, I don't feel so good."

As he spoke his last words, his body disappeared into sparkling dusts that flowed itself towards the amulet of the necklace Jin wore.

"You can rest up for now."

Jin said to the amulet on where Scar was resting. He stood up from the ground and left the hunting ground after the countdown of deletion started.


Jin didn't want to waste time and went to the next hunting ground. Arriving in the hunting ground, he climbed up on the tallest mountain in the hunting ground and activated [Mana Awareness].


The sound of the mana wave reverberated around the place. The wave moved out in kilometers away from Jin. His vision of the place had changed. Most of what he saw was the color blue which appeared on the trees, ground, and any other nature-related living things.

Jin looked around the place and he could see red color appearing from designated locations.

As far as he knows, when the red color popped up, he could think of a B-ranked item but after having a few checks, he realized that most of the red color came from monsters as this was there basic mana color.

Jin first checked all the red spots on the surroundings before he moved to the next procedure. Then after having seen all the red spots on the place, he first chose the monsters on his nearer vicinity.

"I'll try you first."

The reason why Jin was doing this is because he wanted to check out how far can Quincy's bow reach and its accuracy.

He aimed his bow towards a wandering ogre that was at least a hundred meters away from him and as he released the string, the frozen arrow shot out to the direction of the ogre piercing its chest.



+10,900 XP

"Oh? The damage was stronger than I thought."

Jin said to himself after seeing that he had killed the ogre in one shot. Next off, he moved towards a monster that is 200 meters away from him.


As he fired the arrow towards another ogre, it struck towards its head and penetrated to its cranium.


+10,900 XP

The damage he had dealt with that shot was greater than the last one.

"This might be the effect of its passive [Eagle's Eye] that increases the damage of the arrow if the reach is far away or it might have only dealt high damage because I shot its head."

He still wasn't sure about the increase in damage so he moved to another ogre who was also in 200 meters away from him.


The arrow projected itself towards the ogre hitting its chest. And as the frozen arrow stick inside the ogre, its body became crystallized in an instant on which disappeared in seconds killing it.


-10,900 XP

"Ah, it does work."

Now Jin was sure that the damage increased knowing that the arrow had hit the same place as where he shot it last time. Not just that, the passive [Frost Bite] froze its entire body by a second even if it was already dead.

Next, he moved towards the 400 meter. He saw a group of hobgoblins and thought to himself that this might be a good chance to try another skill out.

"[Arrow Flurry]!"

Shaa! Shaa! Shaa!....

When Jin released an arrow, the arrow that was fired out multiplied itself into five. Due to Jin's already high agility that was now increased by 20%, he shot another arrow off from the bow out of his control to his own speed.

Shaa! Shaa! Shaa!....

The multiple arrows followed the other five arrows. The first five arrows struck towards the chest and the next arrows pierced through its head.











+12,700 XP

+12,700 XP

+12,700 XP


His eyes widened in surprise. Now that he has seen the effect of the flurry arrows, he proceed to move to monsters in kilometer away from him.

He saw a pack of giant golems and though that they might be a good target practice for his next attack.

He aimed the center of the bow to the direction of the golems. As he stretched the string of the bow, he chanted a skill.

"[Frozen Blast]."

From the middle of the bow on where the arrow is placed, a small frozen orb spun around rapidly. When Jin stretched the string at its limit, the orb became a giant magic circle that inscribed a snowflake pattern.

After he released the string, the magic circle generated a powerful beam almost similar to Scar's skill [Prominence Burn] except it was ice that was blasted out from the trigger.


The icy beam quickly crashed to the direction of the golems and the area of its attack was completely destroyed and the golems had been hit by the powerful attack.








+20,000 XP

+20,000 XP





+86,000 XP

You have slain Mossy Golem (High-tier Boss)


+3 to all status

+20% experience gain

The aftermath of the attack turned the area of effect into a giant range of icy crystals. The result not just also killed all the golems, Jin was fortunate enough that there was a boss monster among them so his satisfaction from the bow skyrocketed.

"This is pretty good!"

A smile was etched on his face showing his contentment on the power of the bow that he was now having second thoughts of maybe using this bow as his personal weapon and maybe replacing it from dainsleif.


In just 5 hours of time, Jin had finally finished all the remaining hunting grounds in this kingdom was now ready to move to another kingdom. This speed might have been ridiculous but it had become possible due to [Mana Awareness] that made his senses sensitive to the scanned surroundings so easily opening up the pathway in the system map.

The result of the raid gave him an additional 42 points to all of his basic attributes, 3 levels which he put the points to vitality, a couple of A-rank items that had enough numbers to upgrade Dainsleif to the next level and his skill [Steel String] had also reached to the next stage and here are the new features and enhancements of each.



Rank: Legendary

Type: One-handed Sword

Durability: 2000/2000

Element: Poison (B+)

+2700 DMG

+30% Cooldown Reduction

+200 Attack Speed


Black flames will appear on the blade that deals 900 splash damage on the target continuously when the target's health drops by 35%. There is a 10% chance that a random curse will be placed on the target.

Item Skill:

Black Roar (AOE): The user will generate a black wave on the next attack that deals 1200 damage (+60% STR) to the targets in the area. Fear effect will also activate if the target is in the nearest attack distance that will lower their defense by 45% and slows them down by 40% for 15 seconds.

Mana Cost: 200

Cooldown: 24 seconds

Devour (DMG, BUFF): After hitting a target up to 5 times, Dainsleif can devour a chosen monster in an instant. After devouring completely, you will receive double the experience and regenerates 25% of mana. The devouring process will end depending on the level of the monster.

Good chances that it will successfully devour a Boss monster

Not applicable to humans

Mana Cost: None

Cooldown: 70 seconds

Element Skill:

+40% poison resistance

Increases the item's poison effect by 70%. 50% chance to inflict poison effect that deals 1%-30% of the targets remaining health.


There's a slight chance that Greater Poison can inflict the target's body that decreases his magic and physical defense by 30% and reduces his health by 2% every second. This will also slow the target's movement by 80% and attack speed will decrease by 60%. It lasts up to 10 seconds.

Viral Infection (DMG, DEBUFF)

Your weapon will be coated in Poison, every attack made will inflict poison effect that deals 800 magical damage (+30% INT) lasting up to 2 seconds. If the same target is hit consecutive times, the damage will increase from 1.2x to 2.5x and slows the target down by 10% that will stack by each strike.

Stacks up to 15 times.

Mana Cost: 10/per attack


[Steel String] (CC/DMG) Lvl. 2 (0%)

You can generate steel threads from your fingertips. You can manipulate the movement and length of the string by consuming some of your mana. If you are able to constrict a target, the damage dealt is equal to 200% of your STR. If your STR is multiplied by 5 and will be equal or greater than the HP of the target, the target will instantaneously die.

Mana: 10 per/meters. 5 per/movement

New effects:

• Steel strings can now be retracted back.

• The durability of the steel strings has sharply increase

Though there was no drake he had encounter, he was still satisfied with this result and continue to move to his next kingdom.

Jin returned to the Iron kingdom's metro city, which was in the center of the kingdom and the reason why he went in the metro city was because it was the only place where the portal that would transport one into the neighboring kingdom, the Lapis Kingdom by paying a portal fee from the guards who were monitoring the portal.

Well, Jin needn't pay the fee and casually entered the portal.


The sound of the transportation resounded on his head and a bright flash blinded him momentarily. Shortly as he open his eyes, he had finally arrived at Lapis Kingdom.

Name: Jin

Class: Lonely Sovereign

Level: 54 (7%)

HP: 40400/40400 {+1400}

MP: 8320/8320 {+400}

[AGI]x2: 630 (+84)

[STR]x2: 655 (+84)

[VIT]x2: 404 (+114)

[INT]x4: 832 (+168)

[SWD]: 10

[ISO]: 10

Status pts: 0